

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to Know What You Really Want?

Yeah, soul-searchin' post? You gotta know what you really want in life.

There might be a time when people ask you this...

What do you really want in your life?

Then another question. Question after question...

What do you really want to achieve?
What are you doing now to achieve that?
Why are you here?
How do you get there?
When are you getting there?

Passion. Dance.

Hey, we can't answer all of these and it may seem to be out of our control to determine our own future. But other than the changing environment with unforseen events, people, capital, assets, and missed opportunities, there's nothing else that stops us from doing so.

Being Aware
See, now you have the Internet and you could surf it online. If you're very poor, you wouldn't have the time to be looking at my blog just yet and you should be very busy.

However, if you are able to see this post, it means that you've got that time to search some stuff and gain knowledge. So if you have the time, or some people call it "Hidden Time", you might as well use it to move one step closer to what you want. Or if you don't know, use the time to find out!

Now that you're aware you can use some of your time, you can begin on how to determine what you want.

Determining What You Want (SURVEYING)
People will not suddenly get to know what they really want unless they try it out and feel that they like it. Some people just get the chance to try it out and some people don't. The problem with teenagers nowadays is that they don't even bother to try or take the initiative to go search for it.

Take a look at how the world is changing for now. You do not anticipate the change and think how successful you'd be when you work in future. Instead, think of what you would really like, and then through your passion, you CREATE something that CHANGES the world how YOU would like it to be.

If you had been thinking of being a doctor or a lawyer just because you want to get rich and have a higher status, you're making the world worse. You don't even like your job, you're not going to help people with sincerity. Let those who really want to save lives and fight cases to prevail justice to do it.

Now that you've grasped the main idea of determining what you like, which is not based on any factors, you take a look at what people do and search for it through the Internet. For example, if you feel that you like to learn something in the medical field, search it up on Google or something.

Go to , type in any of the following...

how magnetic resonance imagery works
what are the most common diseases in the world
list of remedies for colds
psychological manipulation
process of cancer treatment

Whatever...just do a random search on what you don't know. Then, you put focus into the articles you found online, and comprehend them. You will gain knowledge and get an idea how it is done, theoretically. With this knowledge, you analyze whether you like learning it or not.

Analysis - Like or Dislike? (QUESTION)
As most of you might have known, what you have learned online may be only one small part of a huge topic. The thing is, you only liked that part. So what now?


Firstly, you ask yourself a couple of questions.

Does learning and practicing this knowledge make me happy?
Do I like being with people who are good at this?
Is it fun to do everyday or at least every week?
Would it be enjoyable to do other related tasks?
Do I want more?

If your answer to all is YES then you've got it. If you're on the fence then you gotta do more surveying, or more research on what you are actually going into. If you answered NO for most of it, then it would be a good time to start another survey on a different thing.

To analyze is also to weigh pros and cons.

Alright, that's all for knowing what you really want. If your goals are not actually applicable to the examples I gave, just read the two big topics, which are SURVEYING and QUESTIONING. These are the two simple steps to find out your passion. Eventually, you will need time to analyze before you come to an end result.

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