

Sunday, October 31, 2010

АТС от mayskaya, Stacy, Кристишка, Татьяны - Tichi

На прошедшей неделе я получила 4 потрясающие карточки - одна другой краше!

1. От Кристишки из серии Бархатные завитки. Очень красивая АТС, бархатная и со стразами! В обмен я отправлю АТС "Любимый шарфик" из серии Радости ёжиков.

И подарочки: кружево, 2 ленточки, 3 вязаных цветочка и подвеска-рыбка!

2. От Татьяны - Tilchi из серии Орхидеи. Вот такая изящная карточка с настоящим засушенным цветком! В обмен я отправила АТС "Love is in the air" из серии Кошечки.

Подарочки: картинки и цветочки!

3. От Stacy из серии Япония-2. Это просто какое-то нежнейшее чудо! В обмен я отправлю "С ветерком" из серии Радости ёжиков.

Подарочки: 2 салфеточки, красивые надыроколенные бордюрчики и мои любимые бабочки!

4. Одурманивающий от mayskaya из серии Растущих. Очень нравится эта карточка, выполненная акварелью! В обмен я отправила "Одуванчики" из серии Весенние цветы - квиллинг.

Подарочки: очень красивые и полезные отштамповочки!

И еще mayskaya выслала мне наложенным платежом вот такие потрясающие подвесочки! Оказывается, их очень удобно хранить на скотче, держутся крепко, места занимают мало, все на виду, не сбиваются, быстро прикреплять и откреплять! А у меня подвески хранятся в альбоме, причем я каждую из них отдельно пришивала, слишком муторное занятие, а тут оказывается все легко и просто!

Я получила конфетку от Татьяны

Я участвовала в розыгрыше конфетки в блоге Татьяны Моя мастерская. А вот как происходил розыгрыш! Маленький Эмиль чуть не съел бумажку с моим именем! =)
Конфетка просто потрясающая! Моей радости нет предела! Посмотрите, сколько красоты мне досталось! Ах эти потрясающие рукодельные цветочки, а еще кружево, 2 тесемочки, цепочка, камушки блестящие и мои любимые надыроколенные бабочки! Танечка, спасибо большое за такую красотищу! Сколько теперь всего смогу сделать!!! Не ожидала, что получу столько сокровищ сразу! )))

WNxH: Movie Scam

Comic strip is out!

This strip is about how Eggy's movie (which contained of only one swordfight scene) went...

WNx Homestay: Movie Scam


Thanksgiving Pilgrims

I don't know why mediafire is only uploading half my image, but I think you can get the idea. Ok it wasn't mediafire but inkscape that was cropping my image!

 The font I used is Scarlet Ribbons...I had to move it closer together to weld.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

In-depth interview with Jules Urbach about OTOY

An anonymous reader of my blog, called RC, (yes, there are actually people who read my blog ;-) pointed me to this very interesting interview with Jules Urbach conducted by Research 2.0:
Many thanks for this, RC!

Some very interesting excerpts from the interview:
We can run 48 first person shooters at 60 fps on a single 1U server through ORBX. That is with legacy games that have not been optimized for our service (i.e. games that we run out of the box, without any modifications). When developers target our platform (through tools such as our raytracing pipeline), concurrent usage gets closer to 100 users per GPU. That is before you factor in local rendering power offloaded on the client.

The greater efficiency for rendering games in the cloud when using ray tracing could be the killer argument to start using ray tracing instead of rasterization (besides the simplicity of the code and the greater realism)!

OTOY's patnership with AMD, Nvidia and Intel:
SW: OTOY has been working closely with AMD. What are the major advantages of AMD’s technology relative to Nvidia and Intel?

JU: We were very deliberate in choosing to go down this path with AMD. We tested early versions of ORBX on Nvidia GPUs, x86 CPUs, and AMD GPUs. We settled on CAL as our core development platform (CAL is AMD‟s low level computing language). It was very challenging to program a GPU using CAL, which is not officially supported by AMD. But we were seeing amazing speeds which we could not replicate on other architectures.

As our company has evolved, so have our relationships with other major hardware vendors. This year, we‟ve added Intel and Nvidia as partners. More will follow. We announced Intel this summer. Obviously, we need CPUs on our servers as well as GPUs. And, in that respect, Intel has a very compelling offering. Intel is also developing hardware cards made from densely packed x86 cores which we may use in the future.

We are officially announcing our partnership with Nvidia in a few weeks. We have been working with them on a version of ORBX that will be deployed on Nvidia hardware in 2011. This is not trivial, given that ORBX‟s speed has, up until now, come from functionality that is specific to AMD hardware. But, from a practical perspective, we would be ignoring a significant portion of the professional graphics market if we didn‟t support CUDA applications. Adobe Photoshop, CS5, and countless other apps only support CUDA.

and about unbiased rendering:
Just as I see rendering moving towards an unbiased model that becomes as simple as photography, I can imagine high performance computing and software development becoming equally democratized.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Perfect Post for Alliteration

This post sure has a lot of P's in it. The top Photo has a tag that has PaPer Pieced PumPkins. The bottom Photo shows my Porcelain-PaPer, Plaid, PaPer Pieced Poinsettia Pin. Both were done with sets from Mark's Finest Papers. The top one used the set Thankful Mums and Pumpkins and the bottom one used Seasonal Poinsettias.
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If Jesus Goes with Me

This card was a statement of faith for me. I made it for two splitcoast challenges. The first: a ways to use it challenge to use a frame, and the second: a Friday free for all challenge to paper piece. I wanted to make my card with a vintage feeling. I printed the hymn "If Jesus Goes With Me." from the Timeless Truth's Library They have hymns that are public domain so that you can print them and use them with out copyright infringement. I printed it on white printer paper and it needed some distressing. I first swiped tan ink over the top. I then took matches and burned the edges. I then took tea bags and let them stain the paper in an un-even pattern. The frame was a chip board frame that has been in my stash for a couple of years. I covered it with paper from K&Company that had a vintage look. I made little hand made roses to compliment the roses on the designer paper. I punched them out of cream cardstock and watercolored them with pink and peach colors. The vellum quote of taking ONE DAY AT A TIME really spoke to what I wanted this card to be. I knew I wanted to use these two hat pins with pink tops. I added lace, from an old curtain. I used pewter brads to hold the layers together. I paper pieced the butterfly. I stamped it so that each wing would have a rose on it. I seldom make my butterflies this way, I usually just color them. I want to share the first verse and chorus to the hymn that I used: "It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide; it may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide; but this one thing I know, if it be dark or fair, If Jesus is with, I'll go anywhere! If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere! 'tis heaven to me, wher-e'er I may be, if He is there! I count it a privilege here, His cross to bear, If Jesus goes withme, I'll go ANYWHERE"
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С началом каникул!

Дорогие ребята! Вот и закончилась I четверть в 4 классе. Поздравляю вас, желаю хорошо отдохнуть, набраться сил и II четверть закончить с лучшими результатами!

Another book, Another Review, Another In-depth Interview

The blogging community has been very good to me over the last two years. With the release of Wintertide, I was disappointed to see some of my favorite reviewers no longer active. On the positive side, new ones have appeared. In my previous post I mentioned Ruled By Books, where Jamie Chambers did a review of Wintertide. This week Mr. Chambers posted an interview he did with me, where he asked questions about my writing technique, my fans, and the use of the Internet to market the books. He even tried to pry information out of me concerning Percepliquis.

At the same time this week, Scott over at Iceberg Ink has been busy. He just discovered The Crown Conspiracy. After devouring it, he read Avempartha and wrote reviews on both. His review on Crown was particularly well done. I say this not only based on how much he praised it, which was flattering to say the least, but more importantly because—he gets it.

Over the last two years, some people have commented as to why they disliked my books, or why they disliked certain aspects of them. And while a few have very legitimate complaints, I feel the majority are often missing the point, or making inaccurate assumptions. Oddly enough, the same is frequently true for those who love the books, as they too assume the wrong idea—they just don't have a problem with it.

I have often wondered why non-fantasy readers appear to more readily appreciate my books, while veteran fantasy lovers are much harder to win over. Many are hesitant or skeptical when reading Crown, and they usually soften a bit as they finish Avempartha. I have to wonder if avid fantasy readers are to some degree conditioned to expect certain things in a fantasy story: length, detail, world-building, grittiness, archaic language, etc. When those items are missing, they scoff. Readers new to the genre, don't have to fight with these preconceived notions about what a fantasy book should be.

Extensive reading in the genre also makes some fantasy fans too quick to jump to the conclusion that: they have seen this before. Granted they have good reason to be jaded. Fantasy books all too often reuse the same characters to tell the same stories in the same manner. Those who are well-read are quick to judge and categorize any story within the first few pages, or even by the back cover blurb. Given that my stories unabashedly use many of the most traditional elements and archetypes, it is understandable that they may jump to the conclusion that this is the same old thing.

I purposefully write my books to be fast-paced, develop characters slowly over several volumes, and refuse to allow world-building to interfere with the story. I think, to some genre-hardened fantasy fanatics, I am easily dismissed as they think the missing length and detail wasn’t a matter of choice, but rather a lack of skill.

As I've mentioned, even some who immediately like the books either don't know exactly why, or like them initially merely because they are different and they make for a nice break from their more serious reading. For this reason it is always nice to see a review like Scott's at Iceberg Ink, who as I said—gets it, or at least as much as he can having only read the first book. He appears to understand and appreciate the intentional decisions about style that I made when writing the books, which is often a sticking point for many, (why is the dialog so contemporary sounding? Why are the characters so shallow? Why isn't there more description?) What is more fascinating is that he grasps these ideas after only reading Crown. Usually readers require at least Avempartha to begin understanding what I am really doing—and for those true hardcore fantasy fans, it can often take to Emerald Storm to quell their ingrained paranoia that insist the rug will be pulled out from under them the moment they dare to believe.

So if you are interested you might take a click over to Jamie's and Scott's sites...and no, I have never met, nor am I paying, either of them. Although given their comments, perhaps I should.

Challenge #40 - Bling It On...

A HUGE thanks to everyone who joined us last week for our Stick a Number on It challenge, we saw an amazing variety of cards.
Before I tell you about this weeks challenge we have the lucky winner and the top 3 to announce so, here is the winner,.....drum roll please whilst Mr Random does his magic!!

Here are your random number: 48
Rainmac that's you hunny - whoo hoo
Congratulations, please contact me (Mel X) at and I will arrange to get your prize off to you.

Here's your winners badge, wear it with pride chuck

Onto the Top 3 & in no particular order....
1. Pinky
2. Susan Mason
3. Maria Simms

Well done ladies....please feel free to take your Top 3 badge.
Right onto this weeks challenge and sponsor.
It's my turn to set the challenge this week and I have a nice easy theme for you. This week I want you to ..

"Bling it On"

So dazzle us with jewels, gems, pearls, glitter - anything in fact sparkly or shiny. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

We have the fabulous sponsor Simon Says Stamp.

and one lucky winner has the chance to win this fabulous stamp....

House Mouse Rubber Stamp BEAUTY DAY HMOR1O68 Lipstick

Here is some inspiration from the design team to get your creative juices flowing...



Please leave a direct link to your entry and not just your blog, it would be very much appreciated if you would turn word verification off.  We look forward to visiting you and seeing your entries but most of all hope you have fun!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oldie But A Goodie Challenge

Today's card is for the Oldie But a Goodie challenge and the challenge for this one is to add a butterfly.  Not contented with one I've added four!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Небольшой тестик для моих учеников.

Тест по информатике тут
Для ответов можно использовать поиск в Интернете!
Желаю удачи!
Ответы ожидаю к концу каникул.

Рома, предыдущий тест ты решил поздно, поэтому тебя нет в таблице.

К юбилею школы

Уважаемые родители и ребята! Напоминаю, что 29 октября наша школа будет отмечать  25-летний юбилей. Благодарю всех ребят, которые посвятили школе свои сочинения: Сафронова Егора, Войтенко Сергея, Иванова Антона, Нагеля Артура, Тумашевского Андрея. Все работы будут опубликованы в альманахе, посвящённом юбилею школы. Материалы о школе вы можете прочитать в районной газете "Трудовая жизнь" от 26 октября 2010 года. Кстати, в этой газете опубликован отрывок из сочинения Нагеля Артура.
Нажмите на картинку, чтобы увеличить изображение.

Halloween Files

Haunted House

Boo with ghosts



Pumpkin Stencils to Cut on Your Cricut

I made these stencils for a school craft project last week. We used the stencils to paint designs on pumpkins.  You can also just use the vinyl pieces to decorate the pumpkin without painting. Or use the pumpkin stencil outline to guide your carving. Seeing as these are svg files, you can size it to the size of your pumkin easily.  The file is curently set up to cut all 18 from two 12x12 pieces of vinyl and were the perfect size for the small 2 pound pumpkins about six inches high.

Hm I don't know why it won't insert the whole image, but you get the idea...There are other designs in the file, including frankenstein, and a wolf.

If you only want one design, you can ungroup or break apart the whole thing in SCAL, and just delete all the rest.

Mediafire link

pumpkin stencils

Happy Haunting!

Lili of the Valley Challenge - Winter Fun

My card today is for the LOTV challenge. Used one of the LOTV stamps, coloured with Promarkers, and the backing paper is from Bearly Mine

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Boa Noite

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole no seu perfil ! Se usar o Novo Orkut, antes de colar o código, clique na caixa em branco e depois no botão HTML

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole no seu perfil ! Se usar o Novo Orkut, antes de colar o código, clique na caixa em branco e depois no botão HTML

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole no seu perfil ! Se usar o Novo Orkut, antes de colar o código, clique na caixa em branco e depois no botão HTML

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole no seu perfil ! Se usar o Novo Orkut, antes de colar o código, clique na caixa em branco e depois no botão HTML

Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole no seu perfil ! Se usar o Novo Orkut, antes de colar o código, clique na caixa em branco e depois no botão HTML
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