

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Free Las Vegas Hotel Svgs



Все лучшее - детям :)

Поздравили мы дочу с днем защиты детей. Бабушка сшила платье (папа пожертвовал футболку). Моим делом было это платье украсить.
Вот что из этого вышло.

Правда это уже постираный вариант. Машка в первые же минуты измазала платье ручкой :) В маму девочка, вмаму :) Я тоже была любительница в подол одуванчиков насобирать.
Дальше фото чуть покрупнее.

Очень понравилось работать с фетром. Буду продолжать. Кому интересно, что можно еще из фетра понаделать сходите в блог ARKICUBIK, по ссылке что расположена справа. Вдохновляет!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Circle of Love is Never Ending Frame

A frame for a sixtieth anniversary
With 60 years

Just with outer circle, so you an ue it for any lovely occasion:

Ruby 2009 and the future of games

This presentation from Jules Urbach shows what the next Ruby demo could look like:
However, OTOY CEO, Jules Urbach, is optimistic: "We can put any game on the cloud. Eventually, we can virtualise everything, including consoles, hardware and even Grand Theft Auto games. In three to five years, consoles will look different. Perhaps, consoles would be based on data on a cloud."

Meanwhile, consumers across the US will test the prototype in the latter half of this year. Marketing plans, purchase points and so on would be developed later, depending on their verdict.
The idea of server side rendering or cloud computing of games as proposed by OTOY, OnLive and others is really starting to grow on me. At first it didn't really seem that interesting or practical, but the more I think about it, the more I can see its potential. Some random thoughts:

- No more console cycles: Gamers don't need to upgrade their hardware every 4-6 years and game developers don't have to frustratingly wait for the next round of consoles to be able to use new features such as DX11 compute shaders or tesselation
- Game developers can use the latest and greatest GPU's and algorithms instantly, without worrying about developing for a "common lowest denominator" (like Valve did with Half-life 2)
- Piracy that killed PC game development would be much harder (as it is now with Steam)
- Performance problems would be a thing of the past: just add a few hundred extra GPU's to the cloud and the framerate is buttersmooth again. There's no limit to the complexity and visual fidelity of a game: all depends on the willingness of the developer to invest in the server hardware
- no more costly multi-platform ports: the cloud harware is the only platform that needs to be targetted
- the cloud can be upgraded whenever newer CPU/GPU hardware becomes available, memory and SSD's can be added at any time
- It would also mean the end of the chicken and egg problem: small console install bases during the launch window scare developers away, but with server side rendering, everyone with a reasonably fast internet connection and a screen is a potential customer
- Most importantly: no more console wars (at least not of the hardware kind), no need to steal exclusives like Microsoft loves doing,
- Games will no longer be tied to one specific platform and will as a result be reviewed by press and gamers with less bias and have a better chance to sell
- no more hardware problems, red rings, repairs and warranty refunds on the client side
- very cheap, almost free "microconsoles", set top boxes, ... instead of $600 launch price which of course stiffles growth of install base
- the install base for cloud games already exists and is huge: all owners of Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Mac, set-top box with broadband access
- Games don't have to be bought in stores or downloaded and installed any more, but can be played from the moment the game is running in the cloud
- bigger potential for episodic game content (like Half-life 2 episodes on Steam)
- no more DVD royalties from developers to console makers (multiple DVD's for Rage on 360)
- no more limit on the size of the game content (if you want to make a 500GB game and the server has enough memory, go ahead)
- no more "console makers" in the classical sense: MS, Sony, Nintendo will not be making high-tech fully featured consoles anymore, but just simple set-top box like consoles or none at all. Their main focus will become online services instead of hardware. Of course Sony will still sell boatloads of TV's and Blu-ray players. Every electronics manufacturer that can make set-top boxes will be able to make a "next-gen" console.
- GPU makers nVidia and ATI will sell more GPUs to businesses (the render cloud owners, i.e. game publishers) and GPU sales to consumers will drastically decrease. This trend is already taking place: with the rapid death of the PC games market, less GPU's are sold to consumers directly and more to console manufacturers. On top of that, they will not be stuck with selling the same GPU for 6 years in a row.

In short, there are much less restrictions on game development if the cloud server is big enough.

The question that everyone seems to ask with respect to cloud rendering: what about lag? OTOY and OnLive seem to have the answer: new and vastly improved compression algorithms. Latency is reduced to a few milliseconds, not perceivable by the human eye. So I think that problem is solved. An unsolved question is how to make money of cloud games.

Obviously, if cloud rendering becomes mainstream, it will completely transform the current game console landscape. Every game publisher will be able to run its own game cloud (think about Valve and Steam but on a global scale) and offer their own online service with an online store, without having to pay royalties to console makers (just as it was in the Good Ol' PC days).

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Пуговки к жилетке

Я все таки люблю творить прикладные вещи. Вот предоставился случай сделать пуговки к жилетке.

Вот так они выглядят в деле или на "теле" :)

Жалетка для дамы в интересном положении, поэтому немножко манекен не подходит :) Складочки не ложатся.
Мне показалось, что пуговки малость тяжеловаты. Учту на будущее.

Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Happy!

Page title for sale for $2.00

Please order in Things for Sale area to right of blog.

Baby Die Cuts for Sale

Cute babies to embellish your favorite photos or make a card.

$3.00 for all four

See things for sale on the right.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Заготовки для Лены

Вот, что я смастерила "на заданную тему". Надеюсь, что понра ибо делается на заказ для мамы, а мама, как известно, - наше все :)
Насладилась в этом проекте своей пастамашиночкой, приобретённой несколько ранее, но из-за Маниной болезни особо остро радостью не пропитанной. Теперь все хаккей. И с Марьей и с пропиткой :)

Carousel and svgs

I was responding to requests on the yahoo message groups, and made these two files. I thought I'd share them with all of you.

Carousel and horses

Horse and carriage

Подарок мне, любимой :)

Бабушка моя мне подарок сделала - сервиз чайный. В Германии полвека назад купленный. И вот стоял он у меня в коробочке ибо достойного места ему не было. А теперь благодаря мужниным усилиям есть у меня новая кухонька и почётное место для сервиза. А чтоб ему не на голом столе простаивать, сделала я салфеточки. В количестве 4х штук. Сервиз правда на 6 персон...даже на 12. Просто мне досталось 6 :) Остальная часть обещана другому внуку. Вот мне пришла сейчас в голову шальная мысль, а не поменяться ли мне с ним: я куплю сервиз на 6 персон, а он мне оставшиеся 6. На 12 персон попробуй ка купить - не найдешь. Попробую воплотить идейку :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dress Favor Box Coming Soon!

I decided to make this new favor box. It goes with the fashion theme of the shoes and handbag. It is a girls dress. It comes with lots of accents to personalize it the way you want. You have two dress styles, several aprons and pinafores, different collars, trims and pockets to make many different dress boxes from the two svg files. I also include stand alone dress file and dress cards, that you can "dress" using the same accents and clothes. The svg file will sell for $5.00 and be available soon. I'm just organizing things and cutting a few more samples. My Trims are messy, as I didn't glue them on. I was just trying to show how you might use the various pieces to create a lot of different looks from the two files. You could just cut a complete set in several contrasting colors or patterns, and then mix and match the pieces.

Here is a sneak preview of some I made today>

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Camping Peeps Now Available for Sale

These bears are ready for camping. They have a tent, trailer, lantern, flashlight,
sleeping bag, coleman stove, ice chest, compass and hatchet, and a van to carry it all in. Everything you need for a picnic scene is included, except for the ants. Many titles are include and a word web. A mountain background and a lake background are in the package as well as numerous boats.

This package sells for $9.00. If you combine it with the Western Peeps, you get both for $15.00.

Thanks for looking.

The paper dolls are fun to dress and cut and use as a page accent!


Western Peeps Now Available

These Peeps are ready to hit the dusty trail. They come with bears and people with a variety of hair styles(and even mustaches) who can sit on the horse or stand, with all the cowboy clothes you will ever need. There are western shirts, pants, vests(even on with a cow print), several styles of boots. The gun and holster, lasso and even a horse to ride are all included, as well as several "background" scenery items, like the farm or the dessert. Many die cuts are already defined including titles like future cowboy, Good Ol' Country Boy, or Country line dancing. There is even a wanted poster and a detailed saddle.

This set will sell for $9.00. If you buy it and the Peeps Go Camping set together it is $15.00 for both.

Building Sandcastles Book..Free svg file

This file will make a layered "book" sort of like a word book. Instead each layer adds a little more of the "picture". The color of the next layer "peeks" through the cut outs of the previous layer. The only thing that has to be assembled and glued on is the mermaid, and she is only 3 pieces. You could leave her off if you want, and just have a fish or something easier to cut. That reminds me I have a nice sting ray I made. I'll post that too.

Here is the file to make the book:

Sting ray:

Friday, May 15, 2009

Лень - двигатель прогресса :)

Ну кто скажет, что это не так :)
Вот я, например, каждый день заваривала Машке сухофрукты или шиповник. Насыпала, наливала, заматывала баночку полотенцем, чтоб получше заварилось. И так мне надоело полотенцем портянки крутить, что решила я сшить грелку на заварник. Вот, что вышло. Не стреляйте в пианиста, он играет как умеет. Во-первых, это практически первый опыт пэчворка, а во-вторых, на машинке износился транспортер :( Купить нигде не могу ибо магазин, где машинку покупала, закрылся. Сервис центр даньги мои подержал и отдал обратно. Транспортера нет. Шить страсть как хочется, но половину мелкой работы приходится делать вручную.

А это в развернутом виде.

Вот фотографировала и интуитивно догадывалась, что что-то не так. А вот колпачек на крышечку я ж не одела :) Ладно, я еще один сделать собралась. Там будет при всем параде.
А это результаты моего похода за тканью. Йо-хо-хо! Спать, есть и т.д. некогда. Выражение "художник должен выть голодным" распространяется на всю семью :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Up, Up, and Away! Free svg files!

Have you seen the preview for this movie yet? It is a cartoon but it looks great. I thought these characters have lots of Character, and I decided to create them so we could cut them on our Cricuts, if you have SCAL that is. Here they are as cut! I hope you like them. You probably will find a use for them, after your kids have seen the movie!
Download the files now, in case I have to remove them:

The Scout:
The old man:

Denise from Boca

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


More and more people are relying less on newspaper and magazine articles and turning instead to the internet for information when deciding on what books to read and movies to see. Sites like Amazon, Facebook, GoodReads, LibraryThing and a host of independent blogs and journals are becoming more trusted than the New York Times. Reviews have always been notorious for their corruption. Some are paid for, others written out of obligation; publishers make deals, pacts are agreed on by mutual authors. But it is hard to control the opinions of hundreds of people posting on Amazon or on their own websites. Sure there are the “friends and family” posts you need to look out for, but how many of those can there be? With the proliferation of reviews on the Internet, the truth is impossible to suppress for long. There are a handful of intrepid bloggers that don’t receive a paycheck and all they have is their reputation.

Big publishers have resources and connections to roll out a title and ensure it is seen. Independents, don’t and are ignored by “reputable” reviewers and shunned out of hand, even by libraries (because they don’t have “reputable” reviews.) Readers buy the big titles, sometimes because it is all they know exists. Given this, reviews, even small ones posted by first timers make a difference. There are many books that have one review on Amazon, books that if you do a global search across the Internet turn up nothing. Potential readers mark this as a red flag and pass.

As it happens, my family is a bit on the older side and I’m certain they think there are evil spirits in computers, so they stay away from them. I’ve moved a few times, which limits the number of friends I can pressure. To date, there’s about three or four who actually wrote a review on Amazon for Crown Conspiracy—none for Avempartha. Since I am published through a very small, independent house, I shouldn’t stand a chance. My only hope is for people to notice me and spread the word, but am one guy waving my hand in a sea of millions—but you have helped.

Those of you who read Crown or Avempartha and took the time to post a review on Amazon, on LibraryThing, on GoodReads; who mentioned it on Facebook, in your online journal, on your blog or just nudged a friend and said, “read this, it’s good,” have done me a great service. And it isn’t just a matter of selling books. I am nobody at all. I’m not famous, I consider spending a hundred dollars on anything to be expensive. I drive a seventeen year old Camry—when I drive at all. I usually walk, bike or take the train, and not to be green, but because I hate traffic. I wear jeans and a t-shirt, most of which are many years old. I have a wife, three kids, a dog and a very small condo that I clean from top to bottom once each week. Instead of watching television I write books. For years, everyone gave me condescending smiles about my “hobby” and asked what I will do afterwards, as if I am suffering from an illness. It is easy to lose confidence, easy to second guess, easy to feel self-deluded. Sure, my wife says she likes my books, but it’s a whole different thing when people I’ve never met, never spoken to, never had any dealings with at all, come out unsolicited and make comments like these recent posts:

“I knew once I started reading I would not be able to stop. Saturday arrived. I put my phone on vibrate, sent the boys to the patio and sat back to read my precious, (Avempartha), cover to cover. I had high expectations and Michael Sullivan surpassed them. // Thank you Michael for such a wonderful series. I'm eagerly anticipating your next installment. I have it marked on my calendar and once again I'll be ordering it as soon as you release it.” –Sarah, GoodReads.

“The first thing that happened to me when I started reading The Crown Conspiracy was that I realized that I couldn't put it down. I tried prying it off my fingers and shaking my hands around like I'd just touched a hot pan but all to no avail. This book is that good. Even more amazingly, Mr. Sullivan manages to sustain this effect throughout the entire novel. // The Crown Conspiracy reminds me why I fell in love with the fantasy genre in the first place.” –Speculative Fiction Junkie

“Royce and Hadrian are two well-developed characters shrouded in mystery and written with a delightful dry wit that few veteran authors could emulate. You get hints about the duo’s past, but they are surprisingly small tidbits and yet they are strangely satisfying. Perhaps it is simply that the characters’ presence in the here and now is so fully-realized that everything else is merely secondary; regardless I’m excited to learn more rather than disappointed that I learned so little. // With the “big” publishers putting out any number of quality titles it is far too easy for independently published titles like The Crown Conspiracy to get lost in the shuffle. There isn’t a massive marketing push. The Crown Conspiracy and it’s sequel Avempartha are out there and garnering attention thanks mainly to Sullivan’s own work and word of mouth. It is a work and series that deserves attention.” -- Mike Ferrante, King of the Nerds

“I was quite eager to see if the book would live up to the expectations raised by Mr. Sullivan’s marvelous debut. I am happy to report that not only did “Avempartha” meet expectations, but it took the series to another level, ensuring that the future installments will be must-reads...//In short, “Avempartha” is highly, highly recommended and a novel that raises Michael Sullivan’s The Riyria Revelations to “major league” status...// I would not call "hype" the good buzz about Crown Conspiracy and the series in general. It's more that being an unknown small press release without the marketing push of the big houses, with little exposure in major bookstores and such, CC and Avempartha managed to beat a lot of what is pushed out there in both quality and entertainment value and they deserve to be much better known.” – Liviu C. Suciu, Fantasy Book Critic

I don’t know any of these people, and I can’t rationalize any reason why they, or any of you would lie, so I have to believe that you mean what you say, just as I hope others will. I’m sure most of you think, “what the heck, sure I’ll take a second to say I liked it. Why not.” But I doubt you truly realize how much I appreciate it. I actually have a few of these taped to my walls, and I re-read them, perhaps more than I should. You see, I’ve never been motivated much by money or false praise, but real recognition is like gas on fire—that makes me want to sit down and work. That makes me want to be a better writer.

So I want to tell everyone who wrote a review, mentioned the books on a forum, or told a friend—thank you so very much, you make my dreams come true.

Amazon reviews: Crown Conspiracy: 47, Avempartha: 11
Goodreads reviews: 132
Amazon UK: 3
Barnes & Noble: 3
Borders: 1
Shelfari: 6
LibraryThing: 6

До чего докатились!?

А докатились мы до года! Вернее Маша докатилась до года, а мы:
Папа: работу воспринимает как заслуженный отдых, надевает памперсы с закрытыми глазами, трехразовое питание полуфабрикатами (понедельник, среда и пятница).
Дед (сурьезный полковник!): поет песни, танцует и улюлюкает (кто б сказал, не поверила бы).
Бабушка: проявляет чудеса изобретательности в области "нашкодить", за что пользуется неизменным успехом у внучки......и бывает в опале у родителей.
Мама: осталось 3 желания: поспать, поесть и помыться. Грудь из области эротической перекочевала в гастрономическую. Глажка белья оказывается отдых! :)
А вот такой подарок мы приготовили "источнику изменений"

Труд был коллективный.
Мама вышивала, бабушка сшивала, папа наклеивал на оргалит. Сначала думала заказать паспарту, но решила, что его может повести без рамы. Обклеили оргалит тканью, вышивку прикрепили на 4 брадса, купленных для скрапбукинга, но по назначению так и не примененных. Отметки роста сделаны контуром по ткани.

А на последок еще одна история "в тему".
У наших друзей мама вернулась из командировки. Сидит на диване с Илюшей (3 года), обняла его и говорит:
Мама: вот когда ты был маленький, я тоже так держала тебя на ручках.
Илюша: А зачем?
Мама: Ну я давала тебе титю.
Илюша недоверчиво: Зачем?
Мама: ну ты пил молочко.
После некоторой паузы
Илюша: Мама, ты что, раньше корова была?

Monday, May 11, 2009

С днем рождения, мамочка!

У моей мамочки сегодня день рождения.

Рукодельница она у меня даже не представляете какая. Вот и подарок ей старалась сделать соответствующий.
Я вот порой голову сломаю как то или иное творение сделать аккуратно. Думаю, думаю, потом у мамы спрошу, а она по полочкам в 2 минуты разложит. Потом ходишь, думаешь, как же такое простое решение в голову-то не пришло.
Вот, что получилось.

На дне полагалось вышить инициалы. Я решила вышить свой ник.

На подушке тоже обо мне :)

Если мама спрашивает, угадай, что я потеряла, то все сразу начинают искать ее распарыватель :)))
Чтобы решить эту проблему, я заменила бесполезный зонтик, который был по проекту, на полезный кармашек, которого по проекту не было.

А теперь, конечно, слова благодарности Kate Valein и Mote, за оказанную помощь. Кланяюсь в пояс. Без вас бы этот проект не состоялся.

И в завершении, хотела рассказать историю "в тему".
Наш друг Миша шёл с мамой из садика и увидел на улице двух бомжиков: мужчину и маленькую сухонькую старушку.
Миша спрашивает у мамы: "А это бабушка?"
Мама: Да
Миша: А почему она такая маленькая?
Мама (женщина миниатюрная): Ну вот я стану бабушкой и тоже буду маленькой.
Миша: как это ты станешь бабушкой?
Мама: ну вот у Влада (старшего брата) родится ребенок, и я стану бабушкой
Миша: Мама, у мальчиков дети не родятся.
Мама: Ну Влад женится, и у них родится ребенок. Вот я и буду бабушкой.
Миша: А бабушка кем будет?
Мама: Ну бабушка будет бабушкой тебе, а я стану бабушкой малышу.
Тут Миша останавливается и с отчаянием выпаливает: "Все, хватит! Я не хочу больше о плохом, когда бабушек много, а мамы ни одной!"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where's my Margarita?

Here's a margarita for each of you! Free svg file.

Download from here:

Enjoy your frosty drink! Don't forget to check out my items for sale on the right.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Peeps Bed/Bath Collection NOW AVAILABLE

Get your peeps out of the bath and into the bed with the Peeps Bed/Bath Collection. It includes the paper dolls, numerous hair styles, pajamas, slippers and bathrobes. Bathroom fixtures have the bathtub, a shower, a medicine chest and even the bathroom sink! I even included the toilet paper and a towel on the rack and the plunger! In the bedroom there is a rocking chair and a bed and a bookshelf filled with toys and books. Accessories include toiletries and even a night time story book, a teddy bear and a baby doll to sleep with.There are lots of nice titles to cut, including some to celebrate potty training. The whole package sells for only $15.00, you can buy it in the things for sale area to the right! Thanks for looking!

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