

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is Moral Education Important?

What EXACTLY is Morality? Many people have interpreted it wrongly, including myself.

In Malaysia, secondary school Moral Education is dumb as it requires students to memorize IN EXACT, WORD FOR WORD the definition of each moral value in order to score marks in the examinations.

However, when I entered college, the Moral Education is far different and is based on psychological and philosophical theories proposed (by known people such as Aristotle, Kant and so on) throughout the past as a logical means to convey information about morality.

In this post, I'm going to talk about Moral Education that is taught in my college, which is through psychological, philosophical and religious aspects and theories.

I've just finished my final examinations for this subject, and these are examples of what my coursemates say...

"Moral studies can rot in hell now. Just keep your ass there and I'll be in peace. Thanks."


Immanuel Kant. Many criticisms on this guy.

The Main Importance of Moral Education
From what I realized, MORAL EDUCATION in my college did not TEACH us how to apply morality. It has basically provided theories and philosophy proposed by wise people and their criticisms. This allows us to be more aware of HOW WE DETERMINE MORALITY, as different individuals have different views on it (egoism? utilitarianism? how do you determine what is moral or not?).

There is no supposedly correct theory, and for every theory proposed, there were criticisms. We were educated on ALL theories, including how certain religions think. When we learn it the philosophical way, we learn how to consider, accept and reason things out that covers many aspects. We learn WISDOM. THAT is the aim of the subject.

This subject is talking about how the WORLD thinks, and how different groups/individuals may apply different values. We always say that in the real world, we do not care about moral values, but morality is not as simple as you think. Whatever we do, whatever we think is UNDER the influence of our moral conciousness.

For Example, How are Selfish People Applying Morality?
From what I have learned in this subject, this is what morality means.

Morality is a social instrument that guides individuals and groups in their daily lives. All these concepts refer to the concept of human behavior that deals with right or wrong and also known as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

This, in what MORALITY means. It means the "CONCEPT OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR THAT DEALS WITH RIGHT OR WRONG", it does not mean to be respectful, good or considerate, which I once thought so.

As you can see, it is a concept of human behaviour that may vary from individual to individual. Morality applies to an individual. A selfish person is actually not "immoral" as we speak, but is actually applying one of the theories of ethics called Egoism.

Egoism Cartoon. Notice that Egoism is good when a person is of good nature like Gabe. Egoism is not entirely wrong.

Egoism is the theory where if an act brings benefits to self, it is considered moral/good. So are we correct to say that selfish people are bad and immoral? We only say so because we have our own understanding and theory of morality, and selfishness is contradicting our own moral laws.

Morality as the Cause of Conflict
Learning this subject well enough would have taught you by now that it is due to the difference in morality, values and beliefs that cause conflicts.

Whatever seems rude to you, may not seem rude to others.
Whatever seems nice to you, may not seem nice to others.

You may think doing something is okay and benefits others. But some may think that you are overboard and trying to pick on them.

Moral Education presents you WHY and HOW the many different theories of human behaviour and judgement that results in conflict. They even proposed strategies of solving conflict, and the most important one was SEEKING COMPROMISE.

Some people believe praying helps, some do not.

So What Exactly is Good and Bad?
In what I have been taught, the good and bad can only be determined through LOGICAL REASONING. This is what philosophers have been trying to do, everything must be logical and there must be a reason. Question everything. Most of us had already treated something as bad or wrong without even considering it because it is customary.

But due to how different individuals can reason things differently in different situations based on different experiences, this is relative as well.

For example, the act of dishonesty may be considered bad. However, sometimes we have to lie in order to make people happy. Thus, if we say that whatever is bad are the acts that hurt people, it may not be correct because sometimes we have to do so for the good of others. Whatever that is good brings happiness may also be incorrect because anyone can be happy over anything (you can feel happy whenever you want to) as long as they feel happy to do it.

Good and evil?

So in my opinion, the good and the bad can only be based on ABSOLUTE values with logical reasoning that all parties involved benefit from it and CAN (not must) apply the rule. They are values that can be applied to everyone. For example,

STEALING violates human rights.
Human rights is the freedom to do whatever a human wants as an average person.
(Everyone has rights, humans can do whatever they want by nature)
Stealing takes away a person's possessions and his rights to his own possessions.
It benefits the thief, but brings loss to the victim.
Cannot be applied to everyone because nobody wants to lose his possessions without his/her consent.
Therefore, stealing is wrong.

Of course, there will be some arguments about this, but I guess this (utilitarianism based ethics) is the most logical fundamentals of right and wrong.

Many people think that a certain act is good or bad without even realizing that is is relative and subjective to different individual's thoughts and beliefs.

Moral Education teaches us not to blame people solely on what we BELIEVE is wrong.

Belief is not the right way in doing anything. Logic and reasoning is. To know the correct logic and reasons, we must study and have a very deep understanding on how different people think and act. In other words, we must be wise. Moral Education is teaching us how to do this, and most of us don't even realize it. So is it important? In my opinion, yes it is.


Monday, November 29, 2010

tiki island concepts

Doing a quick tiki island concept for school...attempting to do the entire thing in just about 4-5 hours including sketches and quick 3d modeling.

Philippians 4:13

I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me...
The Stampin' Sisters in Christ challenge was to make an encouragment card. I made this card using the faux tile technique which is today's TLC301 at SCS. I made this with a special stampin' sister in mind. I used Layers of Color for the butterfly and for the background flourish.
Posted by Picasa

Crafting and Pricing - how do you get it right...?

As promised, Phone Pockets will now begin to appear in my shops, and this fab purple one is available at Folksy now.

As so many crafters find, pricing in the hours taken to make an item is rarely a viable option. If we did, we'd never sell a thing! So I think I've priced this competitively, but I'd be interested to hear your views. :-)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Спасибо за праздник!

26 ноября традиционно в нашем классе прошел праздник, посвященный Дню Матери.  К этому празднику ребята подготовили концерт для своих мам, написали трогательные стихи, в которых выразили свою любовь к самому близкому человеку на земле. Мамы смогли поучаствовать в разных конкурсах.Каждая мама получила подарок, сделанный руками ее ребенка. Все мамочки остались довольны! Огромное спасибо Елене Леонидовне и ребятам за организацию и проведение замечательного праздника!

День матери

Мама — первое слово,
Главное слово в каждой судьбе.
Мама жизнь подарила,
Мир подарила мне и тебе.
(Песня из к/ф «Мама»)
Нет, наверное, ни одной страны, где бы не отмечался День матери. В России День матери стали отмечать сравнительно недавно. Установленный Указом Президента Российской Федерации Б.Н. Ельцина 30 января 1998 года, он празднуется в последнее воскресенье ноября, воздавая должное материнскому труду и их бескорыстной жертве ради блага своих детей.
Новый праздник — День матери — постепенно входит в российские дома. И это замечательно: сколько бы хороших, добрых слов мы не говорили нашим мамам, сколько бы поводов для этого ни придумали, лишними они не будут.
Среди многочисленных праздников, отмечаемых в нашей стране, День матери занимает особое место. Это праздник, к которому никто не может остаться равнодушным. В этот день хочется сказать слова благодарности всем Матерям, которые дарят детям любовь, добро, нежность и ласку.
Спасибо вам, родные! И пусть каждой из вас почаще говорят теплые слова ваши любимые дети! Пусть на их лицах светится улыбка и радостные искорки сверкают в глазах, когда вы вместе!

WNxH: Face Problem

28th November 2010's comic strip is out!

Yup, this Sunday's strip is out. Xiiao asks Faelry to make him immortal after he recalled about Faelry thanks to the news about "Secrets to Being Immortal."

WNx Homestay: Face Problem

You probably realized that there is something about the colour scheme for Xiiao and Faelry that you probably had seen it somewhere before. Yup, you're right, Xiiao has Hamtaro's colours and Faelry has Bubbles' colours.


Nativity Scene ...Reposted from Last YEar

I decided I had some new blog viewers who might not have seen this file last year and so I would repost it.
It is a file to make a nativity luminary or picture.

I think it could also be used for etching, as there are few internal details,
you should be able to remove the large piece as shown on my paper, leaving behind an pattern to apply to glass for etching. Or cut it out of vinyl and apply with transfer tape to your surface, like a mirror or glass.

Here is the file in svg format:

The other one had more detail than we needed. I will give you that file too, if you are using vinyl AND transfer tape, you may want to try it. There is still a lot of "weeding" of tiny pieces required. I don't think I have the patience for making many!

The original pdf with all the detail(you might use for etching):

The pdf with some detail removed to make it easier to use, especially if you are using the cut out piece on a luminary or scrapbook page:

Now some other tips:

There is frosted glass vinyl. If you cut your silhouette out of the vinyl and put it on glass or vinyl, it looks like it has been etched. Check out this blog:

Here is an example of a nativity made of vinyl and placed on glass. I DID NOT MAKE THIS EXAMPLE. I AM GIVING YOU AN SVG FILE I converted from a pdf found on the internet that looks like the file used. Someone is claiming this as an original creation but the file has been around for a long time, according to other users.

I saw a 10 ft roll on ebay, that was about $21.00 with shipping. I haven’t tried this yet.When I was searching the net, I found companies that make things for your sliding doors, etc, out of this stuff, and it looks amazing. Nice thing is, you can change it. Hint: another source of patterns to cut on the Cricut!

 more file:

Nativity scene components which has multiple images of the three kings, Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus, as well as all the animals, so you can make your own Nativity Scenes.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Благотворительный базар

Когда я делала Ассоль, я решила, что она будет для Базара: во-первых, заяц символ нового года, что неплохо для рождественского периода, а во-вторых, Ассоль - символ исполнения мечт и надежд.
Пусть у деток они тоже обязательно сбудутся.
Лот №52.

Поздравляем Максима с Днём рождения!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Aminulrasyid Amzah's Shooting Case

Justice for Aminurlrasyid Amzah.

There has been a recent case that happened on April 2010 in Selangor, Malaysia that attracted many people's attention. I've been to many websites and blogs and I keep seeing people saying that the police were just doing their job and were not wrong. Please let me explain why I feel that these idiots don't know what they're talking about.

For those of you who don't know this case, let me tell you about it. I will first tell you about the statements from the police and witnesses, and then my rants.

15-year-old shot dead (26 April 2010) in a car chase by the police.

Police's Statement
2 policemen detected a Proton Iswara at Section 14, Shah Alam in a suspicious manner.

Police gave signal for the car to stop but was ignored and the driver sped off.

This caused the 2 policemen to start a chase with the aid of another 2 policemen with another patrol car.

Police had successfully stopped the car after the drive run against several traffic lights.

The police opened fire after Aminulrasyid attempted to reverse the car into them in Section 11 which caused them to shoot in self-defence.

They also claimed that a parang was found in the car.

Witness: Azamudin Omar's Statement

Azamudin Omar and the deceased intended to go Ali Corner at Section 7 to give a hand to a friend whose motorcycle tyre was punctured.

On the way, the car drove by the deceased was involved in slight accident with a car parked along the road.

They fled the scene of the accident and were in panic state.

About 5 motorcyclists apparently the friends of the car owner (the one in the slight accident) chased the deceased's car.

The deceased intended to go back to his home at Section 11.

At Kayangan Roundabout Section 12, a motorcyclist hit the car from the back and fell down and the motorcyclists stopped chasing them.

They overtook a police car at Section 14 and they were chased till Caltex petrol Station at Section 11.

The shooting began when they entered into Jalan Tarian junction.

The deceased was shot in the head and fell to his lap upon dying, but the car was still moving because the decease still had his foot on the pedal.

The car rammed into a wall and stopped.

Azamudin Omar crawled out from the car and fell into a drain. He tried to surrender himself, but was immediately kicked by a police offier at the back of his head. He was beaten up further by several other policemen.

He managed to escape and ran through the school (SMK Seksyen 11) and immediately went home.

They did not bring/have a parang in the car.

Witness: Zafrullah Ahmad Zainal Abidin's Statement

He heard gunshots, sirens and the crashing of the deceased's car outside his house (the car crashed near his home).

He rushed out to see what happened and saw the crashed car at the wall in front of his house.

The front wheels of the car were in the drain which makes reversing impossible.

He saw one of the perpetrators (first witness, Azamudin Omar) who was running from the police and successfully escaped in doing so.

There was no occassion where the police found or took out any weapon or parang from the car after searching the car.

There were other people who came to the scene to see what happened as well.

The 2nd witness proved 3 points testified by the 1st witness which are:
a) There was no reversing of the car or attempt to fight back.
b) Azamudin Omar successfully escaped from the police.
c) There was no weapon/parang found in the car.
Consistent enough to prove that the 1st witness was telling the truth. The parang the police claimed to have found also did not contain any DNA or fingerprints and was deemed useless/not an evidence.

Chronology of the Incident

Cause of Death
Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah senior forensic consultant, Dr. Khairul Azman Ibrahim testified at the Sessions Court that, the 15-year-old died within seconds of the bullet penetrating his skull. Other abrasions found on his body could due to "impact of blunt objects and friction."

Dr Khairul said it penetrated the skull from the back of the head and hit the brain stem which caused massive bleeding. With no other abnormalities in organs or any sort of forensic evidence, the kid most likely died due to a SINGLE GUNSHOT TO THE HEAD.

Based on this article.

Court & Trial
The trial is still going on and the police were not charged yet. The recent trial is on Corporal Jenain Subi, 48 under Section 304(a) of the Penal Code for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. It carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison and a fine.

My Opinions

Look at the post posted by the Anonymous. I would like to point out a few things...

Firstly, the deceased's car overtook the police car and did not stop when asked to. The car was only speeding. The police can only open fire for self-defence or when other's lives are threatened. The deceased did not have a weapon and did not attempt to fight back. RUNNING AWAY is not FIGHTING BACK! At best, the police can only fire ONLY to stop the car, in which is to fire at the tires or set up road block/spike-traps. What? The Malaysian police doesn't know how to set up road blocks and traps?

Now look, the kid's got a bullet to the head. Even if the police fired in short controlled bursts, so what? The police aimed for DRIVER, not the car. The police may have had the intention to only stop the car, but soon it became the intention to kill.

Now another thing, about the "what-if-there-was-a-suicide-bomber-in-the-car?"...

The police cannot fire at someone based on "SUSPICION" only. Running away from the police when being called upon is against the law, but the police cannot fire at the person if the person does not fight back like I said earlier. Furthermore, it is the middle of the night. It's impossible for the police to make correct speculations that the driver is up to something bad just because he's speeding. There is also a possibility that the driver is drunk, so you begin to fire at him?

Additional Note: If you think it's correct to gun down drunk drivers because you think they deserve to die, you're wrong. Nobody cares the moral values you believe in. This is the law.

Just because there is a possibility of a suicide bomber does not give the rights to the police to open fire. If so, I could suspect everyone and open fire at anyone I like. Do you guys even know the law? The sole fact that they fired at the car is already wrong. You cannot shoot someone just because you're not sure what they're up to.

This is another article which is about a psychologist saying that the deceased is to be blamed. I can't express how stupid this is. I'll comment based on the quotes there.

"And police on this shift are usually armed with automatic firearms because they don't know what they will be up against. The usual procedure is to pull a suspicious car over and shine a torchlight inside, but they didn't have a chance to do that in this case. So, they opened fire," said Dr. Teoh the psychologist.

YOU CANT OPEN FIRE JUST BECUZ SOMEONE'S SUSPICIOUS DAMNIT, KNOW THE LAW! It's what Malaysian cops do, they have no balls. When they suspect someone, they open fire first. If they're correct, they get all the credit. If the person is innocent, they make up some story.

"An automatic weapon sprays bullets. It is likely that a stray one hit the boy. I have handled firearms before and I can tell you an object moving quickly in the dark is almost impossible to shoot at."

What? You think the police never handled a firearm before? The police have professional training of firearms and were taught to shoot in controlled bursts like what Anonymous said. If they could let a stray bullet hit the boy, it is also their fault and can be charged for man-slaughter.

Due to professional training, there is no room for error. If the police's actions have a slight possibility of killing someone that is not armed or does not attempt to fight the police (can be anyone, even robbers and gangsters), the police CANNOT open fire or he will be charged in court.

“People are overlooking a most important issue, which is that a minor was behind the wheel. As far as the law is concerned, he was in the wrong.”

Here, this is the stupidest part. The most important issue was the child behind the wheel? Are you dumb? The child was wrong, DUH. That does not give the right to the police to open fire, I repeat again. "Do not fire unless fired upon," this is what the police have learned in training school. The most important issue is the police had killed the child.

The police fabricated evidence (parang in car) and misled the public by giving false information about the case. Aminulrasyid did not have a weapon and did not attempt to fight the police. He only tried to escape because he was in a panic state. The police had no reason to fire at him. Suspicion is not a valid or legal reason to open fire leading to the child's death.

With all that evidence, the police should be charged with MURDER instead. The kid died with a single bullet to the head and dozens of bullet holes in his car. The police saw a speeding car, chased after it and gunned it down with the intention to kill.

JUSTICE FOR AMINULRASYID AMZAH. Please don't say the police aren't wrong! Don't be stupid! Even the police knew they could be charged, that's why they tried to cover up the case by fabricating stuff! Gather publicity so that the police can't cover up their wrongdoings!


"Сказочный огород"

Такая презентация у нас получилась на станции "Сказочный огород". Жаль, что мы не успели её загрузить в установленные сроки.

Enter the singularity blog

This is just an awesome blog: (originally located at and moved since June 2010).

The author currently has a job at OnLive, the cloud-gaming service, but before working there he used to write about voxel raytracing, sparse voxel octrees and the like. I assume he's working on some super-secret game graphics technology involving voxels and ray tracing, targeted to run on the cloud. Another main theme of the blog is how the brain works and how and when artificial intelligence could match and even surpass the capacity of the human brain (something which I find even more interesting than real-time path tracing). To achieve this dream (or nightmare, depending on your view), you would need a gigantic amount of computing power and cloud servers will probably first to fulfill that requirement. Could it be that one day OnLive will turn into SkyNet? ;-)

Such a suprahuman intelligence could help scientists think about cures for cancer, stem cell research, nanotechnology, the Palestine-Israelian conflict and could help them understand their wives ;-).

Totally Papercrafts,,,,,, Untraditional Christmas Challenge

Thanks to all who entered our challenge last week, we had over 200 entries !!! Before we move on to this weeks challenge we have the winner of 5 images from Squigglefly to announce ,.....drum roll please whilst Mr Random does his magic!!

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2010-11-26 08:15:58 UTC

The lucky girl this week is Linda Dekker Congratulations please email us (addy is on the side bar ) so we can arrange to get your prize out to you - and don't forget to take your winner's banner.

We are not announcing a top 3 this week, we had so many fab entries it was impossible to choose


The theme for the next week is ,,,,

,,, No Reds or Greens ,,,a nice easy one :-)

We are sponsored by the lovely Heidi at Simon Says Stamp so a fab $10 Voucher to spend in her store and she will pay the shipping costs too :-)


The DT have made some gorgeous cards for your inspiration so please pop over to their individual blogs to leave them some love :-)



Happy Crafting :-)

Please turn off word verification. The DT are not obliged to leave comments on blogs with word verification turned on. It really does make life much easier for the DT so please be considerate :-)

1. Nicki (LittleTed)  66. Lynne in NI  131. Christi Hicks  
2. Gery  67. Anne H  132. sharon  
3. Cathy  68. Debs R  133. cheryl  
4. Teri Sherman  69. Alicia  134. Lorraine  
5. Kathrin aka Kruemel  70. Piali  135. Heidi   
6. Tracy  71. Becca Fabozzi  136. Stacy Walker  
7. julye  72. raindropecho  137. Mariska  
8. AnjaCardz  73. Shirley Chalmers  138. Sammibug  
9. Rebekah  74. Wicked*Witch  139. Lisa Jane  
10. Danielle Lord  75. Helen  140. Hannapanna  
11. D'Anne  76. pinky  141. Sandy's Stamping Scene  
12. Nela  77. Beacarona  142. Marilyn W.  
13. Heidi  78. padster  143. * Tootsie *  
14. Mindy Baxter  79. Samantha :0)  144. Simone  
15. lindyloo  80. Fiona  145. Anne H  
16. Daniele  81. Melly  146. Mary J  
17. coops  82. Christine Craig  147. SMSka  
18. Agnes  83. Tara W  148. Annie  
19. Anne H  84. Pascale  149. Dana  
20. Brenda Dean  85. Netty  150. Susie  
21. Ellen  86. debs m  151. Diane  
22. Donna  87. Jeanet  152. Henny  
23. Netty  88. -Anne-B-  153. Netty  
24. Rachelxx  89. Tina  154. The Crafty Den  
25. An  90. Simone  155. Dorothy  
26. Sue U  91. Sylvia  156. Sharon  
27. Kym's Crafty Cards  92. Helen  157. xGemmax  
28. Kym's Crafty Cards  93. Rachel Hope  158. Brook  
29. Karen McAlpine  94. LorraineN  159. Stacie G  
30. Lisa Summerhays  95. Christine (blankiefinder)  160. Linda B  
31. Debra B  96. Ginger  161. kozmik  
32. Nanda  97. maria simms  162. Marion E  
33. caroline n  98. Wendy  163. Victoria  
34. Shirl Freeman  99. Tiggertastic  164. Scatty Jan  
35. Marlene  100. Lisa Haines  165. Donna's Doodles  
36. Dreja  101. Jan G  166. Kiki  
37. Tanja aka Stampin'Piper  102. Scrappy  167. Trish Lucey  
38. georgina  103. xGemmax  168. Ruby  
39. Rainmac  104. alica  169. Kerstin  
40. Paula  105. Charlotte  170. Anne H  
41. Peri  106. ~Tammy~  171. Scrappy  
42. Lorraine  107. Nikki C  172. **Vicky**  
43. Sarah S-W  108. Mervi  173. Chris Dickinson  
44. Anni  109. Petra  174. Christine (blankiefinder)  
45. donna moore  110. Natascha  175. Ruth  
46. darling Ho  111. Doreen  176. Nikki aka Niknaks  
47. Mary D  112. DesigNeAL  177. DAISYCHAIN  
48. Wiccababe  113. Susan's Crafty Chaos  178. Maria Simms  
49. Sheila  114. NikkiByrne  179. linda dekker  
50. Tammylee Newberry  115. Georgia Mac  180. Donna Walker  
51. Yael (Alma7)  116. Rustyflange  181. Rica  
52. MIRANDA  117. Christine Craig  182. Pauline  
53. Claire C  118. Chris Olsen  183. Kazabing  
54. Pauline C  119. Tracey V  184. gila  
55. Hazel (didos)  120. Karin (Peppermintpatty)  185. Dreja  
56. ali.b.  121. Nancie Quah  186. Jayne  
57. Debbie B  122. Tammylee Newberry  187. Grace N  
58. mandi  123. Audrey E.  188. Debs S  
59. Tracy Payne  124. Dörte  189. Tammylee Newberry  
60. Rachael T  125. Marianne's Craftroom  190. Francesca  
61. Lai-Yoke  126. mandy  191. Iren  
62. Lai-Yoke  127. Lisa  192. Michelle ~daydreams505~  
63. Viv  128. Wilma M.  193. ***Céline***  
64. Lorraine  129. ~Tammy~  
65. alee81  130. AnjaCardz #2  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Литературное путешествие

Ребята, наше путешествие на "Голубой стреле" продолжается и до 30 ноября мы должны прибыть на последнюю станцию "Кинозал". На этой станции нам нужно создать диафильм и опубликовать его на сайте "Началка". Кадры для диафильма у нас уже готовы, осталось создать диафильм с помощью слайдов. Подробнее с инструкцией можно познакомиться здесь: Удачи!

Nokia Big Prizes (Campaign)

Starting from today, every Thursday is campaign day!

Yup, on every Thursday, I will post up about a campaign that will most probably benefit you or the society. It may also contain useful stuff to see, and sometimes it's just plain funny. Some campaigns are for Malaysians only and some is for everyone. Don't worry, I'll specify things clearly for ya'll.

Applied Region: Malaysia Only
Campaign Type: Promotion / Rewards

Today's campaign is for Nokia. They are offering prizes such as

50" 3D Plasma TV, diamond watches, holiday trips to Australia and Bali, scooter, notebook PC and many more!

Visit their website below for more information. Check out their new featured devices as well.

Recently, Nokia has released phones like X5 which is about RM650. For it's specs such as 5MP Camera, QWERTY keypad and many others, it is really a value buy. Compared to my Sony W580 which has only 2MP Camera and lower specs than the X5, mine is about RM800. I just got owned? Anyway, worth checking out the Nokia site even if you ain't from Malaysia, now they're selling phones cheap, and they're even offering prizes!

Support This Campaign!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Phone Pockets now available!

I was asked to make a phone case for someone, to match the Mushroom card wallet they wanted to buy. Another person saw it when I listed it on Folksy, and asked for a black and pink colour combination. These were the results.
Both customers were so pleased, I've decided to make a few in other fabric combinations, and they'll be available to view and buy soon. Custom orders most welcome in the meantime, though - contact me through my Folksy shop to discuss requirements. :-)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How is Respect Determined?

In the world, people keep telling each other about being respectful. But how is respect measured or determined?

Many people nowadays are said to have lack of respect. The word respect is kind of overused as well, even the slightest things can be "disrespectful" to some people. We're just going to look at respect in a more philosophical/logical way. In what cases does respect really apply?

Definition of Respect
Based on Wikipedia,
Respect denotes both a positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem.

According to a journal article research on PubMed Central,
What Does ‘Respect’ Mean? Exploring the Moral Obligation of Health Professionals to Respect Patients
Respect is the recognition of the unconditional value of patients as persons.

Although the second one is for doctors and patients, but I'll combine it in a way that it makes sense. The definitions here suggest that respect is a PERSONAL feeling for ONE person/entity that has no condition. Why personal? Because not everyone has the same positive feeling/recognition towards something. In other words, what actions do you consider it rude? Different people don't mind about rudeness at all. And to say that it is UNCONDITIONAL is true, you don't need a reason to respect someone...since everyone says, "You're supposed to respect everyone!"

Rudeness (also called impudence or effrontery) is a display of disrespectfulness by not complying with the social "laws" or etiquette of a group or culture. These laws have been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behavior. To be unable or unwilling to align one's behavior with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable is to be rude.

Srsly. WTF?

I don't know about you, but it's dumb if we have to spend our time learning all these social "laws" of different groups and cultures all over the world just to be NOT RUDE. Not only different GROUPS...but different INDIVIDUALS may have their own perception of "ACCEPTED BEHAVIOUR" as well. Why not just wipe away all that and look at mine? There are only 4 situations of disrespectfulness which you'll see later on.

To Whom Does Respect Apply To?
Respect comes from humans. To whom does it apply to? Humans. But let us not forget the fact that for different human beings, they have a different perception of respect.

What may seem respectful to you, might not be respectful to them or vice versa. So, how do you know when a person is respecting another or not? These are the few points I would like to point out that some actions should NOT be deemed "disrespectful."

OBJECT OF RESPECT refers to the person/entity to be respected.

Non-Disrespectful Acts
Doing acts in a situation where the object of respect is not affected of his/her original actions.
For example, in a class of 10 students, if the object of respect is a teacher and only one student does not pay attention by silently fiddling with his handphone, it should not be considered disrespectful.

The main reason being that the teacher is able to teach without any disturbances, and the teacher is able to move, think, and say freely without any restrictions from the so-called "disrespectful" student.

According to Stony Brook University, disruptive behaviour ACTIVELY INHIBITS (yes, actively inhibits!) students' ABILITY TO LEARN, instructors' ABILITY TO TEACH, or the regular operation of the campus. I just wanted to show what is considered disruptive, it ACTIVELY INHIBITS the ability of a person to do something.

If in any case where the other 9 students focus their attention to the one student who's playing with his handphone, the teaching process may still go on. However, the main response from most people would be this,

"Stop that. Other people want to study, don't be selfish."

Sitting quietly and playing with the handphone does not take away the teacher's ability to teach/talk nor the other students' ability to learn/listen. It is not possible for students to pay 100% attention at 100% of the time, it is human nature and the people who really want to study would not bother about minor distractions at all. Consider the fact that many people do miss out important details in a class even when there are no distractions becuase it is impossible for a student to maintain complete focus throughout the class. It comes down to the person and his/her self-discipline. (Not to mention, a good multitasker can pay attention to two or more things at once, really!)

If a person is not deprived of his/her original rights and actions, it should not be disrespectful at all.

2. Disagreement of a certain topic or difference in point of views.
Nothing is the truth, everything is permitted. There are endless possibilities in the world and some researches are not even evident enough to prove a fact. Despite the lack of evidence and other possible factors, some people make it as if it is true immediately.

If another person disagrees with what you have to say, it is not disrespectful. He/she is not your dog, he/she doesn't need to listen to you. Being ignorant is not disrespectful. Unless, the person puts the topic aside and does personal attacks on you. This might be disrespectful because the original topic/action is ignored/interrupted and it is a waste of time as you hear irrelevant information that does not benefit anyone (not because of the attacks were personal).

And that's why you get BANNED!

3. Difference in tone of speech or writing.
Most people would say the tone in speech or writing pretty much defines whether a person is showing respect or not. However, I disagree with this point.

Firstly, you cannot determine the tone in writing properly because it is not a face-to-face communication.

Secondly, a person's view on another's tone of speech may differ from one person to another.

A person may seem as if he's shouting his words out, but to him, he's just speaking normally. Is this person disrespectful? Annoying, maybe. Again, it comes down to your open-mindedness to accept that people may not be as skilled as using different tones in their speech like you can. Judging whether a person shows respect through their speech is judgemental and may lead to you yourself being disrespectful instead.

This is Graham's Hiearchy of Disagreement, which is quite true. Response to Tone, Ad Hominem and Name-Calling are the disrespectful reactions which are quite common.

4. Difference in religion or belief.
Your own race or religion is not the only one that exists in the world. Also, just because the others may have the same religion or race as you, it does not mean that the person has to believe in all superstitions or traditions like you do.

To some people, wearing a hat indoors is disrespectful and to some others it is not. We must accept the other person that he doesn't apply your tradition. Who cares if you follow a tradition or not? Don't expect everyone to follow you; again, they're not your dogs.

Another example would be the American A-Okay sign. In some other regions, that sign may be a vulgar expression (invitation to hump the hole!) or something. Look, if you interpret it as something bad or good, that's just you. In this situation, this is not being disrespectful. This is called a miscommunication.

Situations of Disrespect
- Taking away a person's right to do something.
- Interrupting a person's intended/original actions.
- Taking away a person's belongings (time is included).
- Threatening a person's life/security.

Situations of respect is just the opposite of this...almost all the points are related to each other anyway.

I DONT SEE SHIT ABOUT ESTEEM OR PRIDE! Yeah, because as how you cannot measure respect, you cannot measure a person's feeling for the esteem of another person/entity as well.

How does a person's self-esteem or pride gets challenged? According to Wikipedia again, a person's self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth.

Different people think differently. Just in what situation do you think your self-esteem is challenged? When people call you dumb and incompetent for no reason? This is psychological. If you have great self-esteem, I bet you know what they have said does not affect your self-esteem at all. Now that's what self-esteem is all about, dude. Therefore, challenged pride is not a situation of disrespect. Wasted time and interrupted actions are better points.

Random picture. Respect for nurses, anyone? :D

The conclusion is simple. Remember the second definition for doctors and patients? The recognition of patients as persons. As long as you do not deprive someone from their rights or actions as a human being, an average person, then it is not disrespectful. This is how respect should be determined, and not from "whatever seems nice" to you.


Monday, November 22, 2010

1Thessalonians 5:16-18

This bookmark, trifold, quilled, scripture... card was for TLC300. The challenge was to use at least 2 older TLC challenges. I used 18 on this card. This is for the Stampin' Sisters in Christ challenge as well. The paper that I used for this card was 2 pieces of 8 1/2 by 11 white cardstock and 1/4 sheet of brown cardstock. I love making a card that doesn't even remotely resemble how it started out. The Stampin' Sisters in Christ challenge was to make a card showing God how thankful we are. I used these verses because they definitely speak THANKSGIVING to me. I especially love verese 18 because it reminds me that it isn't just a good idea to be thankful, it is God's will that I be thankful.

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