I have applied double-sided tape ready for the chocolate but my kids keep finding my chocolate stash! So you just have to visualise chocolate here in a nice shiny wrapper ready to be eaten...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Gift Card Treat
I have applied double-sided tape ready for the chocolate but my kids keep finding my chocolate stash! So you just have to visualise chocolate here in a nice shiny wrapper ready to be eaten...
Вопросы к зачету по информатике.
1. Человек и информация. (Знания, факты и правила, виды информации, формы представления информации).
2. Информационные процессы.
3. Вероятностный подход к измерению информации.
4. Алфавитный подход к измерению информации. Единицы измерения информации.
5. Назначение и устройство компьютера. Принципы фон Неймана. Основные устройства ПК, их характеристики.
6. Компьютерная память.
7. Программное обеспечение компьютера. Системное, прикладное, системы программирования. Интерфейс.
8. Файлы, файловые структуры.
9. Кодирование текстовой информации.
10. Текстовые редакторы. Назначение. Системы распознавания текстовой информации.
Пытаемся отработать вопрос № 3. Придумать 3 задачи на вероятностный подход с одним (1) и несколькими событиями (2). Можно воспользоваться Интернетом. Прислать. По вашим задачам будет составлен тест по итогам решения которого можно будет снять этот вопрос для некоторых ребят.
Вопрос № 8. Объединяемся в пары и создаем газету по денному параграфу на сервисе WikiWall.ru. Регистрируемся там (под одним именем, которое никому не сообщаем), присылаем ссылку, выслушиваем критику, поправляем - и вот он, зачет по вопросу № 8.
Вопрос № 2. Посмотреть, о каких информационных процессах идет речь в параграфе, придумать комикс на эту тему. 1 процесс - комикс. Работу можно делать в парах. Из комикса должно быть понятно, о каком информационном процессе идет речь.
Вопрос № 8. Объединяемся в пары и создаем газету по денному параграфу на сервисе WikiWall.ru. Регистрируемся там (под одним именем, которое никому не сообщаем), присылаем ссылку, выслушиваем критику, поправляем - и вот он, зачет по вопросу № 8.
Вопрос № 2. Посмотреть, о каких информационных процессах идет речь в параграфе, придумать комикс на эту тему. 1 процесс - комикс. Работу можно делать в парах. Из комикса должно быть понятно, о каком информационном процессе идет речь.
По вопросу № 1 можно получить зачет, составив кроссворд по перечисленным вопросам (10 слов). Это параграфы 1, 2, 3 (до измерения информации ). Кроссворд оформляем в Paint. Слова вписываем в клетки и формулировки слов по горизонтали и вертикали прописываем. Шлем на почту. Ребята, слова в именительном падеже, единственном числе.
По вопросу №5 выполнить презентацию в OpenOffice (дистрибутив взять в кабинете информатики, в любой день прийти с флешкой). В презентации связать устройство ПК с принципами фон Неймана. Нарисовать схему информационных путей, Рассказать об основных блоках ПК и их средних характеристиках. Рассказать, как вы используете компьютер.
По вопросу №5 выполнить презентацию в OpenOffice (дистрибутив взять в кабинете информатики, в любой день прийти с флешкой). В презентации связать устройство ПК с принципами фон Неймана. Нарисовать схему информационных путей, Рассказать об основных блоках ПК и их средних характеристиках. Рассказать, как вы используете компьютер.
По вопросу № 10. В первой части текстового документа, созданного в MicrosoftWord, рассказать, какие текстовые редакторы вы знаете. Представить скриншоты ярлыков этих программ. Прописать, чем отличаются текстовые редакторы от текстовых процессоров и представленные вами текстовые редакторы разделить на просто редакторы и процессоры. Вторым письмом прислать сочинение по теме "Мое отношение к наркотикам". Обязательно с картинками. придумать по этой теме слоган и закодировать его, используя кодировку ASCII.
Здравствуй , Масленица!
Сегодня первый день масленичной недели.
Еще этот день называют прощеным воскресеньем, потому что накануне Великого поста принято просить друг у друга прощения за вольно или невольно причиненные обиды.
Ребята, а как вы встречаете Масленицу? Поделиться своими впечатлениями можете здесь http://www.nachalka.com/node/2307
ПЕРВЫЙ ДЕНЬ (понедельник) - Встреча Масленицы
Еще накануне, вечером в воскресенье, начинали готовиться к встрече Масленицы: строили горки, качели. Вечером в воскресенье или утром в понедельник устраивали торжественный въезд Масленицы (нарядной куклы). В этот день навещали родных.ВТОРОЙ ДЕНЬ (вторник) - Заигрыш
На заигрыши с утра катались на санках, на горах, на качелях, на тройках, строили снежные крепости, играли в снежки.ТРЕТИЙ ДЕНЬ (среда) - "лакомка", "сладкоежка"
В этот день люди лакомились блинами. Именно русские блины были символом этого праздника. А блин - символ солнца.ЧЕТРЕРТЫЙ ДЕНЬ (четверг) - "разгул", "перелом", "широкий четверг", "разгуляй - четверток"
Самый веселый день Масленицы.ПЯТЫЙ ДЕНЬ (пятница) - "тещины вечерки"
На тещины вечерки зятья угощают своих тещ блинами.ШЕСТОЙ ДЕНЬ (суббота) - "золовкины посиделки"
А в этот день невестка приглашала своих родных к себе.СЕДЬМОЙ ДЕНЬ (воскресенье) - прощеный день, проводы
Это день проводов Масленицы, день прощания с зимой и встреча весны. В последний день с утра до позднего вечера катались на санках с гор, ели блины. В этот день чучело Масленицы торжественно сжигали, вокруг костра водили хороводы, зазывая весну.Еще этот день называют прощеным воскресеньем, потому что накануне Великого поста принято просить друг у друга прощения за вольно или невольно причиненные обиды.
Ребята, а как вы встречаете Масленицу? Поделиться своими впечатлениями можете здесь http://www.nachalka.com/node/2307
Doom 3 path traced with OptiX
Seems like a nice idea, but currently it's far from real-time and it doesn't look very spectacular. Imo, it should use the Brigade path tracer for better performance and quality.
UPDATE: the guys working on this have posted a new screenshot, showing much improved global illumination by using Russian roulette:
Everything looks much brighter now and actually starts to have that path traced look. Unfortunetly textures and geometry are pretty low resolution. And it's still way too slow for real-time (30 minutes for this 2048x2048 image on GTX480 + Tesla C2050).
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Video Time!
Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, but like always, weekends are busy for me. No official work has been done in my side of Minecraftia this weekend, but my boyfriend has made an awesome video highlighting some of the fun stuff we do on our server. You'll get to see a basketball game between Trish and Jake which is really cool, a glass maze that I DEFINITELY struggle through, some zombie torturing, and Jake's sweet dance moves. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as we did!
Tuesday should have been a good day...
Tuesday at least started out well. The announcment that Orbit was going to release my series was like graduating from a thirty year college. At long last my dream achieved. I was anxious to share this with those who helped, who cheered me on, those who supported me. I was pretty happy…for about two hours. After that I had to seriously ask myself if I ever wanted to write again.
While many comments here and elsewhere have been positive, there has been a good number that have not. Readers have vented frustration at not being able to obtain a complete set of the printed series. Some have accused me of orchestrating this in order to resell the series to make more money. Others have directed their anger at Orbit (apparently because all publishers are the devil incarnate.) Still others are just mad that they will have to wait eleven more months for the final book.
I suppose it was naive of me to expect everyone would be happy at this turn of events. I knew that those who had purchased the print editions would want the full set. To be honest, I want the full set, too. I spent six years making this series. I wrote it, edited it, designed the covers, the interior layouts, all the little symbols, and the back cover texts. Just imagine how much I would like to have the series that I created sitting on my shelf at home.
So why am I signing with Orbit if that won’t happen? It’s not because of the money. Orbit did offer me a generous advance, but given my present sales, I would very likely make more money selling independently. The reason is despite the surge in electronic sales, ebooks still only make up a fraction of the total books sold. There are venues I can’t access with Ridan. These are audiences I can’t reach without Orbit. Also the legitimacy of a major publisher allows for an increased chance to offer the books worldwide.
While I greatly regret disappointing all of you who wanted that six book set (and disappointing myself as well,) I had to weigh that frustration against all those others who will never have the chance to know my books exist. There is still a large segment of the population that refuse to purchase anything through the Internet. Most of my family is this way, which is why you don’t see reviews by them on Amazon. I thought it was more important to give the largest number of people the chance to read these books.
Why is Orbit producing a trilogy as opposed to a six book set? Actually that has more to do with you readers than Orbit. I have read numerous comments and emails where readers have berated my books for their length. Fantasy readers have come to expect thick books. Anything short of six hundred pages is considered a cheat. Some have even accused Ridan of purposely dividing the story into six books as a means of making more money. (Once again denouncing publishers as the devil—not realizing that Ridan is a company my wife created.) The interesting thing is that the Orbit’s version of Riyria will very likely be cheaper as readers will be getting two books for the price of one. Orbit’s reasoning is that readers appreciate longer books for their money, and that it will make it easier for readers to find the whole series on bookstore shelves. With six books, invariably there will always be one or two volumes missing. So for those of you who think Orbit is the “bad guy” here, you might want to reconsider.
In any case, I’ve asked Orbit to help those who want that last book. I did this knowing that if I were Orbit I would refuse. The vast majority purchased ebook versions, and producing a small run of the sixth book would be logistically difficult to make available. I fully expected Orbit to immediately, refuse, and yet they haven’t. At the present time they are considering a POD and ebook solution for the last book. The subject is still being debated and I’ll keep you informed as to what can be done. For those that are interested, send an email to riyria6@gmail.com indicating how many copies you are interested in so I can get an idea of the counts required.
After reading the barrage of messages I received, many of them surprisingly negative, I have to admit, I felt like crap. The deal with Orbit will grant me the ability to devote more time to writing and make my work available to a larger audience. I would have thought this is what you would have wanted as well. But now, quite frankly, I’m so depressed I can’t even think about doing the remaining edits on Percepliquis, much less writing anything else.
All I can say is, I’m sorry I let some of you down. I have only ever wanted to do the best I could by everyone—including Royce and Hadrian.
While many comments here and elsewhere have been positive, there has been a good number that have not. Readers have vented frustration at not being able to obtain a complete set of the printed series. Some have accused me of orchestrating this in order to resell the series to make more money. Others have directed their anger at Orbit (apparently because all publishers are the devil incarnate.) Still others are just mad that they will have to wait eleven more months for the final book.
I suppose it was naive of me to expect everyone would be happy at this turn of events. I knew that those who had purchased the print editions would want the full set. To be honest, I want the full set, too. I spent six years making this series. I wrote it, edited it, designed the covers, the interior layouts, all the little symbols, and the back cover texts. Just imagine how much I would like to have the series that I created sitting on my shelf at home.
So why am I signing with Orbit if that won’t happen? It’s not because of the money. Orbit did offer me a generous advance, but given my present sales, I would very likely make more money selling independently. The reason is despite the surge in electronic sales, ebooks still only make up a fraction of the total books sold. There are venues I can’t access with Ridan. These are audiences I can’t reach without Orbit. Also the legitimacy of a major publisher allows for an increased chance to offer the books worldwide.
While I greatly regret disappointing all of you who wanted that six book set (and disappointing myself as well,) I had to weigh that frustration against all those others who will never have the chance to know my books exist. There is still a large segment of the population that refuse to purchase anything through the Internet. Most of my family is this way, which is why you don’t see reviews by them on Amazon. I thought it was more important to give the largest number of people the chance to read these books.
Why is Orbit producing a trilogy as opposed to a six book set? Actually that has more to do with you readers than Orbit. I have read numerous comments and emails where readers have berated my books for their length. Fantasy readers have come to expect thick books. Anything short of six hundred pages is considered a cheat. Some have even accused Ridan of purposely dividing the story into six books as a means of making more money. (Once again denouncing publishers as the devil—not realizing that Ridan is a company my wife created.) The interesting thing is that the Orbit’s version of Riyria will very likely be cheaper as readers will be getting two books for the price of one. Orbit’s reasoning is that readers appreciate longer books for their money, and that it will make it easier for readers to find the whole series on bookstore shelves. With six books, invariably there will always be one or two volumes missing. So for those of you who think Orbit is the “bad guy” here, you might want to reconsider.
In any case, I’ve asked Orbit to help those who want that last book. I did this knowing that if I were Orbit I would refuse. The vast majority purchased ebook versions, and producing a small run of the sixth book would be logistically difficult to make available. I fully expected Orbit to immediately, refuse, and yet they haven’t. At the present time they are considering a POD and ebook solution for the last book. The subject is still being debated and I’ll keep you informed as to what can be done. For those that are interested, send an email to riyria6@gmail.com indicating how many copies you are interested in so I can get an idea of the counts required.
After reading the barrage of messages I received, many of them surprisingly negative, I have to admit, I felt like crap. The deal with Orbit will grant me the ability to devote more time to writing and make my work available to a larger audience. I would have thought this is what you would have wanted as well. But now, quite frankly, I’m so depressed I can’t even think about doing the remaining edits on Percepliquis, much less writing anything else.
All I can say is, I’m sorry I let some of you down. I have only ever wanted to do the best I could by everyone—including Royce and Hadrian.
Owl Bookmarks
My sister Margaret came to the Gold Coast and I showed her how to make bookmarks. She had fun creating these two, one for herself the other for our Mum.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
So this is totally a minecraft blog now..
Doesn't James look happy?
Here's our underground cave! :D
And aww, it's bed time :)
Here's our underground cave! :D
And aww, it's bed time :)
Teen Birthday
Amazing Creations,
Happy Birthday,
Masculine Card
Friday, February 25, 2011
ATC Travel to Paris
I would have loved to enter this ATC in a challenge, but I'm not sure where to go. I'm very happy with the result. I stamped the diamonds in yellow and the map stamp in red as my background aiming for something a little unusual. Maybe I'll make it into a card.
I found somewhere to enter this ATC
I am so excited to be part of a challenge!
I found somewhere to enter this ATC
I am so excited to be part of a challenge!
Новые оценки
Если № в табл. Менделеева у золота 79, то электронов 79, протонов - 79, а нейтронов: массовое число-79, то есть 197-79=118.
LuxRender releases LuxMark 1.0, an OpenCL based path tracing benchmark for GPU and/or CPU
Wonderful little program, which is able to run entirely on the GPU, but can also run on CPU only or on both CPU and GPU: http://www.luxrender.net/wiki/LuxMark
It would be really awesome if a real-time pathtraced dynamic benchmark like this one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33rU1axSKhQ) could be included in LuxMark, where users can interactively control the number of samples per pixel and the path length with sliders (just like in Tokap) and can interact with the physics as well. It's perfectly possible to path trace the scene from the OpenCL path tracing video in real-time and it would give LuxRender and its OpenCL path tracing effort some much deserved awareness!
Challenge #55 Paper Piecing
Before I tell you about this week's challenge I would like to introduce to you our new DT member... Marion, we are so pleased she has agreed to join us. Please pop over to her blog and check out her beautiful work and leave a lovely comment.
Wow! Thankyou to everyone who joined in with last week's challenge. We had nearly 300 entries - you crafters sure do love your digis!
Here is the lucky winner and the top 3
Wow! Thankyou to everyone who joined in with last week's challenge. We had nearly 300 entries - you crafters sure do love your digis!
Here is the lucky winner and the top 3
The winner is.. Paul of Crafty Blogocks
Congratulations, Paul, please email us (addy is on the side bar ) so we can arrange to get your prize out to you - and don't forget to take your winner's banner.
We always have a hard time choosing our Top 3, but here they are, in no particular order...
Hege ~ Annie's Paper {He}art
Elaine ~ Lazy Daisy Designs
Jacky ~ Paddington Fan's Blog
Hege ~ Annie's Paper {He}art
Elaine ~ Lazy Daisy Designs
Jacky ~ Paddington Fan's Blog
Congratulations ladies, please take your Top 3 badge.
So, on to this week's challenge - I am your host (Caroline) and I would like to see somePaper-Piecing
on your card/project.This is where you use patterned or other DP paper on parts of your image.
We have a great sponsor for you this week -
who are offering 5 digis of the winner's choice.
Here's some fab inspiration from our lovely DT. Just click on their names to visit their blogs :o)

Please leave a direct link to your entry and not just your blog, it would be very much appreciated if you would turn word verification off. We look forward to visiting you and seeing your entries.
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
My restaurant is now complete! I am very excited to post these pictures, because I've been working on gathering red wool for quite some time now to finish up my restaurant vision. I think it turned out pretty good, and I hope you guys like it too! My next project is a church/graveyard area, which I'm working on as soon as I post these pictures. Have a nice day!
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The kitchen! 6 stoves and 2 crafting tables on the left, and 3 large chests on the right to store food in. |
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My "VIP" booth, for a large crowd. |
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Smaller table for a smaller group. |
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A view of the left side of the restaurant. The "flower" pot was made by surrounding a dirt block with two wooden stairs. I thought it made a nice touch. |
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The outside view. I made the little breezeway area the same way I made the lanterns too, using the dirt method to stack the fence posts. |
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Oh yes, and here is the menu and the entrance to the kitchen. |
Here is a beautiful frog who regularly visits our dog’s water bowl on our verandah.

I made this tag at a make and take at the opening of the new Kaisercraft shop at Robina on the Gold Coast. I never would have thought to fold the big flower in half, I love learning new craft ideas.
I made this tag at a make and take at the opening of the new Kaisercraft shop at Robina on the Gold Coast. I never would have thought to fold the big flower in half, I love learning new craft ideas.
Some ideas for Tokap
While thinking about ways to make the ray traced Pong game more fun, some other ideas came to mind. If you think about it, there are a lot of simple games that can be built using just a few spheres. Some ideas:
- cube and pyramid of spheres. Shoot a sphere to see it collapse!

Newton's Cradle:
and a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CZShNRtT64
- Amiga juggler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yJNGwIcLtw The character is entirely made out of spheres.
- A game like this one http://www.donpixel.com/play/050912180926/ using spheres instead of boxes.
- A cool real-time path traced physics animation like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33rU1axSKhQ, originally developed by Chiaroscuro from Luxrender running on SmallptGPU.
As long as the number of spheres remains modest, these scenes could be path traced in real-time (with tokaspt) on a high end GPU and provide very realistic looking graphics with nice physics. Since the geometry of the "physics world" is decoupled from that of the "graphics world", the sphere-only limitation of tokaspt doesn't apply to the physics simulation, which can actually use real planes and boxes. These planes and boxes can then be approximated with spheres in tokap, while still producing 100% accurate physics as if the ball is rolling on a real plane, so even a snooker game should be possible!
There is also an amazing real-time raytraced game called "AntiPlanet" which is running on CPU but also has a version running on CUDA (http://www.virtualray.ru/eng/download.html). It's a first person shooter game where the entire scene is made out of spheres, including the weapons and monsters, and has been in development since 2001 (see http://www.virtualray.ru/eng/news.html)
Videos of AntiPlanet:
"AntiPlanet2 - indie game with real time ray tracing 3D engine which only does spheres. It has multi core and CUDA versions. The game is "doom"-style 3D shooter. The sperical graphics design is inspired by abstractionism and cubism genres of fine arts. Program download page www.virtualray.ru/eng/download.htmlNight-time scene. Video was rendered in 1920x1200 resolution, system Core Duo 1860 + GeForceGTX 280"
Screenshot of AntiPlanet:
It would be awesome if the CUDA ray tracing engine of AntiPlanet could be upgraded to use path tracing. 'Tokaspt' could be used as a base framework, but it doesn't have acceleration structures (such as BVH) which are a must if you want to raytrace the thousands of spheres in AntiPlanet at acceptable frame rates. The video shows that 30 fps at 1920x1200 resolution is possible on a GTX280 with 'plain' ray tracing, very impressive numbers due to the fact that ray-sphere intersections are much cheaper than ray-triangle intersections. If the ray tracing engine would be extended to path tracing, I'm pretty sure that real-time GI (coming from a HDR skydome) would be possible at 960x600 resolution on a GTX580 with this game.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Town Update!
With the implementation of beds to the game, I've updated several places in my town. All three little townhouses are now complete. Here's a picture of each one.
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Flower beds in the back of each house! |
As you can see, each house looks identical, only different colors and different paintings. They're pretty simple, but that's because they're just serving as extra bed spots for visitors at the moment. I really like the blue beds that the new Gerudoku pack has. I just hope eventually beds will be available in different colors! Well, it's time to get back to work. I just wanted to give you guys a few picture updates of the work that's coming along in my town!
Oh, and as promised, here is a picture of a couple of lanterns I have put up, so you can see the finished product.
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Keeps your area creeper free! |
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- LuxRender releases LuxMark 1.0, an OpenCL based pa...
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- Papermates Shoe Box Swap February
- Get Well Soon
- Arty Farty
- More sketch cards
- Sew What is new with you???
- Praise the Lord
- Some details about the new PowerVR GPU with Causti...
- Popular Highlights
- Lattice Type Flowers for your Scrapbook Pages or C...
- Stamp Storage Find at Michael's
- Passport Holders now available!
- 720p video of Tokap Arcade Madness running on a GT...
- Mulheres
- Mulheres
- Love You
- Valentine for my friend Ardy
- Mulheres
- Românticos
- Românticos
- Rocker Card
- Happy Valentine's Day
- SMS Legal "Scam" Awareness
- I am back - and have made a card
- Why I am not done with my tower.
- Explosion Card III
- Love
- С Днем Святого Валентина!!!
- I'm Not Michael J. Sullivan
- New Layout!