First I used inkscape 47 to make these hearts. When I imported them into scal 2.0 the text was "messed up". I redid them in inkscape 46 and it works fine. I "grouped" each item, so you can ungroup it in scal 2.0 and move things around or delete them, without using inkscape. You could make your own messages in scal 2, but I couldn't figure out how to make my arial narrow font into a stencil font in scal 2.0 like I can in inkscape. Maybe you could just use a stencil font like stencilia instead of Arial narrow.
This file just has one heart and one background in it, then all the text messages, so you can make one or more at once.
Here is the svg file:
If you have scal 2.0:
Enjoy! I think these might be cute on a card too.