Wednesday, September 30, 2009
WOW cards
fire-cured: cured over open fires in direct contact with smoke.
The leaf card was my first thought. I burned the edges of the long panel. But then my twisted mind thought of my piggy card. I used some of the buttons that Kelly gave me at the side to go with the little button nose of my piggy.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Blog Sidebar at Bottom
This seems to be the problem with my blog where the sidebar is pushed to the bottom. This only happens to different users however, as I used Firefox and viewed it myself and nothing's wrong. When I went to Carmen's site, it appears to be normal! It also happens when you use different internet browsers. So I've been trying to overcome this little layout problem. It seems that there are 3 common causes of this problem.
- Correcting the width of the sidebar.
- Reducing links / pictures.
- Repairing broken codes.
The first problem seems to be out because the width is 274, my Cbox is only 200. However, to be safe, I changed the width of the Cbox to 180. Second might the problem, as sometimes pictures exceed the width, commonly when I link images through Photobucket instead of uploading to Blogger. Broken codes is plausible, but for now I don't see anything. Some say it's because of a comment code which is not closed or opened. I checked my template, but I already knew because this template doesn't support comments! So that's not the case too.
Please report to me or screenshot if you can when you face the problem where the sidebar in my blog appears at the bottom. I will try to fix it.
Apocalypse Now
On September 23rd 2009, a dust storm 500km wide and 1000km long swept across Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra. Air particle concentration levels reached 15,400 micrograms per cubic metre of air (a normal day would have 20). 75,000 tonnes of dust an hour was blowing of the NSW coast. Anyway, I got an email from Sydney today: "We are moving into spring with strange weather, which includes many sunny days, some quite cold, and a duststorm last Wednesday". Waking up to RED air outside your window and describing it as "strange weather" instead of "apocalypse now" (great film btw) is what i call bravery.
After the next lap, they have to have their WINDSHIELDS washed - we spray their goggles with a spray bottle and wipe them off with a paper towel.
After the next lap, they need to get NEW TIRES- the boys have to take their shoes off and put another pair of shoes on.
Then comes the final lap towards the finish line.
Some of the parents go a little overboard buying accessories for the cars, and you can tell that the boys didn't get to touch the cars until the day of the race. What fun is that? Kaleb has had a lot of hands on for his cars. This year he want to make a HUMMER. That is our project for this week. We are getting ready for this Saturday. I hope to have a photo of this years car soon.
Butterfly Blessings
MotherMark Miss You!!
Embossed Foil
Sparse Voxel Octree in CryEngine 3
One thing that made me smile: "GPU rasterized version of SVOs & its realtime content creation only available in CryENGINE 3" is listed as a con. Nice joke Crytek!
Other slides list the pro’s and cons of point based rendering, raytracing and rasterization.
If Crytek continues innovating at this pace, there’s a good chance that CryEngine3 will become the Unreal Engine 3 of the next generation and will attract many licensees.
The Mysterious Case of the Shuffling Pages
I was very pleased. There is always the word or two I would change. A sentence that sounds suddenly awkward that didn’t before, but nothing awful. Then I came to page 187. There was nothing wrong with page 187, except that it wasn’t 187 it was supposed to be 188. Page 187 was now 189. For no reason I can figure, the pages were shuffled.
Crap. That’s a show stopper. I can’t let the book go out with pages out of order. I can recognize they are mixed because I can recite the novel by now and know what comes next. New readers will be flying along oblivious to the fact that they are being derailed.
I continued to read and the same shuffling of pages occurred in four separate points after that. The book was toast. It has to be reissued and that means delays. On top of this, I already ordered several cases. Not sure if I canceled the order in time. So I expect I will be receiving a hundred expensive doorstops soon.
Now, with just four days left, I am waiting on the next proof to arrive. No idea if it will make it in time for the Oct 1 release, so at this moment I can’t tell you exactly when the book will be available. The good news is everything else was fine. If the pages come in order with this new edition, then I should be able to push it live the next day. I am guessing it will only be a week delay at the most, but right now, all of us—me included—are waiting to see when the Green Book will be out.
[Notice] - Blog's Layout
Deric messaged me and told me that my layout has a problem. The sidebar appears to be right at the bottom of all the blog posts, which is extremely ugly. This is a problem faced by Evo as well, and he managed to get it back to normal by using Internet Explorer. It seems that the blog's layout is not compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Safari and possibly other internet browsers.
Due to how this world is full of Firefox users, the blog's layout will be changed sooner or later for readability. Here's what Deric said about the one who created the template! =P
Deric: your layout is an IE fanboy, not compatible with firefox or safari also
Indeed. So for all other blogs, make sure your template is compatible with all internet browsers for good readability. Bad layouts are always an eye sore. I will update the layout once I found a suitable one. Carmen Leong, if you're reading this, your blog's template seems to have the same problem when I was viewing it, probably not compatible with Internet Explorer?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Про бусы и про меня :)
Но это случай особенный, потому как я смастерила бусики. Правда сделала я их ну прям таки скажем не шикарно. Пользовалась вот этим мастер-классом. Но пишется оно красиво, а вот делается... ну в общем делается как делается :)
Я заказала себе пластик fimo soft. Привез мне его друг из самой Праги (Леха и Леся, огромное вам спасибо). Оказывается, тот soft, что продают у нас, совсем не тот, что за бугрищем: там он действительно soft. Поэтому приходилось постоянно бегать до морозилки, так как в руках он страшно деформировался. Кроме того, нужно правильно выбирать толщину нарезки колбаски: если слишком толсто - не выходит рисунок, если тонко - получается месиво. Нужно где-то с полсантиметра толщиной. Перевела я тонну пластики пока получилось хоть что-то вразумительное.
Ах да, я же еще extruder приобрела. Что это такое по МК видно, а на словах - это такой шприц для выдавливания пластика. Лучше брать такой как по ссылке (с резьбой), если конечно не ставите себе цель бицепсы прокачать. Из самОй далекой Америки (Лиза, тебе тоже огромный рахмат) привезли. То есть я всех напрягла ради моего счастья :)
Когда я выпекла бусины, решила их выбросить. Но потом передумала: вдруг в процессе сборки есть еще какие-то подводные камни. Раз уж я перевела столько материала, то уж надо идти до конца. Но в итоге получилась довольно носибельная вещь, если смотреть издалека. Вот издалека и показываю :)
Гы. А вот и фанерный глаз :)
Отдельная БЛАГОДА Илье за хорошо проведенное время на фотосессии и огромное количество отличных снимков.
P.S. Нашла фото, где хоть бусы видать :) Добавляю.
How To Reduce Pimples
Some of us, including myself are having a hard time trying to reduce our pimples on our faces to look good and confident! So here are a few little tips you can take. Take note that some of the tips here may not work for certain individuals, so try and see what's best for you.
Tea Tree Foaming Cleanser
A decent product which does the job for you. Just squirt out some foam and apply it onto your face. Contains salicylic acid and tea tree oil. You can probably buy it in Malaysia for around RM40.
Acne Balm / Cream
A very well known product for pimples is Oxy and it is widely used because of its strength. I must advice that Oxy is very strong and not everyone could be used to its product. It's main ingredient is benzoyl peroxide and aids pretty well with clearing up your pimples. I recommend Oxy 5 Regular Strength, but use according to your own tolerance. Do not try to apply to much of this as it will really make your skin dry out and sometimes sore.
Oxy 5 Regular Strength
Besides that, you can also try Hazeline Snow, which is a moisturizing cream. It is used more for dry skin and can be used on acne scars. It makes a nice skin care product too. And yes, it is old school, but it's good.
Hazeline Snow Moisturizing Cream
Knowing Food Intolerance / Healthy Lifestyle
Certain people have a kind of food intolerance that causes acne breakout. If you know that certain food causes increased acne breakouts, then try not to consume it too much. Lastly, live a healthy lifestyle by taking your vegetables, exercise and get enough sleep to be able to fight those bacteria badguys!
Go for Skin Care Treatment
Going to these places lets you know the type of your skin and the best ways to overcome your acne problems quickly. It might be costly, but this seems to be one of the quickest and more effective ways of treating acne. They have all the equipment and the right skin care products that work really well. They will teach you how to take good care of your skin.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
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Darkness and Light Update
Long waited Darkness And Light is here, this map is now updated with lot of new features, items and bug fixes. Download is now available!
- Added 2 new heroes, Arina and Ireine
- Anti magic system, which allow player to cast anti magic instantly. (This system might remove due to delay when casting)
- Fixed most of the bugs.
- Most of the items are now added, including CRA items.
- New custom hero voice.
- Added Durahan (Creep)
- Balanced hero attack damage and armor.
Note: You must have Warcraft III: Frozen Throne installed and patched with at least version 1.24b, else the map will not load. You can get the latest version of patch here.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
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na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!
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na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!
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na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!
Para pegar a imagem "Copie o Código"acima e cole na caixa de mensagens de seus amigos!
Blog Archive
- WOW cards
- Blog Sidebar at Bottom
- Apocalypse Now
- Cubanapolis
- Butterfly Blessings
- MotherMark Miss You!!
- Embossed Foil
- Sparse Voxel Octree in CryEngine 3
- The Mysterious Case of the Shuffling Pages
- [Notice] - Blog's Layout
- Про бусы и про меня :)
- How To Reduce Pimples
- Fergie
- Darkness and Light Update
- Shakira
- Barbie
- Scarecrow
- See you at the Pole 9-23-09
- Out of the box
- Tea bag pocket card
- Two more marquee cards
- Monday's Card
- Book Launch
- Hannah Montana
- I Love Shopping and I Love Shoes Collection
- How to popularize a blog?
- OTOY tech will power movie/game in 2012
- проба... не пера, но иглы :)
- An adventure with butterflies
- Convites
- Desculpa
- Madona
- Amylee
- Katy Perry
- Lady Gaga
- B-boy Spirit
- WOW medallion
- Apple marquee card
- Boa tarde
- Nyphron is Rising
- Cartões virtuais Rezinh@CDesigns
- Religiosos
- Religiosos
- Anjos
- Waiting...
- calendario
- Honey Bear and Teddy Bear Picnic
- Fogos de artificio
- Aniversario atrasado
- Sensual
- Faux Enamel Butterfly
- Granchildren Complete Me ...Free svg file
- Our Greatest Blessings...Grandchildren
- Sisters as svg file
- Halloween Svgs
- Fall Leaf Print Tutorial
- SPM Trials 2009 Physics Tips
- Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles
- New Ruby/OTOY demo for R800
- Retiform Tutorial
- Cartoon Crawling Out of Hole on Page
- Cartoon Ta da! Here I am!
- Football Player
- The Evolution of Writing
- Cheerleader Post
- Embossing-Brayer tutorial
- Little red divas
- How "ghoti" spells fish or why French people can't...
- Britney Spears
- Today's Mama Chance to win a Cricut!
- Disney
- Eu Te Adoro
- Baby Tiger Svg
- Windstorm
- Save the bug!!!
- обещанное описание
- Free Calls in Malaysia
- Happy Labor Day
- Ready, Set, Proof!
- Girl Gymnast Free SVG Files
- Open Bible Svg file
- The Countdown Timer Ticks…
- похолодало или как хорошо быть экологом
- SPM Trials 2009 Biology Tips
- Long Distance Relationship
- Don't blame me, Blame the purse
- Punched pumpkin
- Scraplings
- Chocolate Muffin Recipe
- Barrinhas II
- Barrinhas
- The lies we tell....New Item for Sale
- Angels and a Christmas Candy Cane Font
- Sunset
- Sunrise
- Teapot Tuesday- Rock concert in Africa
- Masked frames