

Friday, April 2, 2010

What's the Best Programming Language?

What's the big deal with this and why are there so many?!

A programming language is used to express algorithms and computations done by a computer. It is the whole stucture, layout and how it works. A programming language can be designed by anyone to run certain computation commands.

Over the years, many other programming languages have developed and are easier to understand, write and see. Programmers would like to use a simple, quick and powerful programming language to write. It would save a lot of time.

The Popular Programming Languages
Microsft C++
...many more.

The Functionality of Programming Languages
Languages like PHP, SQL, Javascript, Perl, .NET languages and ASP are used commonly in web forms and applications as they are more suited to those kinda jobs. For standalone programmes, Java, C, Haskell, Python, Ruby and many other languages could do it efficiently and bring out the most of the programme.

So what's the big difference between one language and another? It's really due to speed, security, stability, portability and other factors.

So Which is the Best?
There isn't really the best, but for a very well-designed and simpler language would be Python (dynamically typed) and Boo Script (statically typed). Both of these languages are really close in syntax, and basically if you know one of them, you could learn the other easily as well.

In C languages, they are very good in speed. But bad in terms of security. VB is even worse especially in portability. Java and Smalltalk makes an all-rounder, but Python and Boo Script is just SUPER! Other than that, Ruby and Haskell is worth considering as they are also very good languages.

How Do I Learn? It's DAMN Complicated!!
It's complicated if you are not used to reading a different language as you don't know what it means! Basically you need to use logic and understand the functions, methods and everything else. You have to know what is a class, what is a constructor, and why is the code even there, what does it do? By going step-by-step slowly, try to figure out how it works.

There are also plenty of tutorials online or you could find a book in the library. The stupid problem in Malaysia or in my college is, I can't find any Ruby, Haskell, Python and Boo Script books in the libraries.

Understand the simple IF ELSE statements (if condition is satisfied, then do this, else do that), WHILE, DO...WHILE, FOR, OR, AND and the others as every programme would need these.

It's Still DAMN Complicated!!
For a start, you could learn VB. Get Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual Basic is basically a simple language that allows you to perform everything in a GUI. Just drag and drop boxes, text and add in your own stuff. It also has wizards which will guide you through all the database connections, SQL queries and so much more. So it is a very user-friendly tool.

If you don't want to start with VB, you could go with Python. I started with Python too, and many others recommend Python as well instead of Java. Why? Let's say for example, we need to make our programme say, "Hello World!" and the code will be like this.

public static void main (String args[])

System.out.println("Hello World!");

Python or Boo Script
print "Hello World!"

There you have it. The person who created public static void main must be a joke. Why can't you just tell the compiler to just say Hello World directly?! Another example is you would need lots of anonymous delegates in C++ while you only need a simple loop in Python. So...go with Python.

Switching Languages
If you learned programming before, switching languages is not a hard thing. You just need to use new syntax, sematics and new words. The concept is still the same.


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