

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Side Step Cards

Once again I got this idea at splitcoaststampers. IN fact, they have a whole gallery dedicated to side step cards. I converted their measurement and folding guildlines, into a file we can cut on the Cricut. There are perforations for the folds. Here is the splitcoast gallery There are many beautiful examples in the gallery. For inspiration, You should go and take a look.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sideswiped Waterfall

Today's Friday Free For All challenge was to make a card that accentuated the side of the card. I decided to make a waterfall that was off center to the side. I like how this one turned out, but I probably won't make one to the side again. It isn't as strong as when it is in the center.

My Rock and My Salvation

At SCS the queen for the day is Queen Francie. I loved her card with the one rose and scripture on it. I loved the little pearls and dew drops. I loved the colors in the dp that she used. I didn't have any dp that was even close, so I McGyvered some. I took some striped dp and I ink spray smashed it. That is the first time I tried it on dp. I usually only use it on plain white cardstock. I think I got pretty close to the dp she used. I also didn't have the dew drops that she used, so I used hot glue to make some more opaque drops. I quilled my rose and hand cut out my leaves. I don't have the scripture stamp that she used, so I computer generated my own. Here's my card in honor of Queen Francie.

Five Petal Card and/or Exploding Flower Card

This file is the simple five petal card which when folded, leaves a pentagon shape. If you make them in different sizes(I did them one inch apart(2,3,4...7) and then attach in the middle, you can make something that looks like this when open:

and still closes up to look like this:

so you can tuck it into an envelope.
Of course, you would probably have a mesage or greeting and some embellishments if you were going to use this as a card. This was just a test! I used 3 double sided pieces of card stock for this flower to quickly create this masterpiece. 


When closed it looks like this:

This box opens to reveal a window with hidden treats.


I added an optional cover with a scalloped edge.

Here is how it looks in the file and you can use the picture to figure out how to assemble. I don't like to cut all the fold lines because it takes the cricut so long. The box will turn out better if you use a scorepal or something to score the box on the fold lines. I just use the edge of my desk!

.(finished box is about 3.23 inches square)

Fold on fold lines. Make window by folding inside of window to back of box. Add piece of acetate to back of window. Make into box, gluing the sides. Fold in top and bottom flaps. Fill with candy. Add cover by gluing.There is a perforated fold line on the cover if you look closely.

Сумочка для CD/CD Holder

Знаете как я хожу по рукодельным интернет-магазинам?
Я вам сейчас расскажу.
Представьте, что я захожу в реальный магазин. Сначала я открываю дверь и стою с открытым ртом и отвисшей челюстью, пока люди не начинают подпирать меня сзади. Потом я медленно начинаю продвигаться в зал, постепенно набирая ход. И вот я уже несусь "как ошалелая" растопырив руки и ору заутробным голосом как Нонна Мордюкова: "А-А-а-а-а". В это время мой браузер просто пучит от вкладок, а я все открываю новые окна.
Пробежав все по периметру, я начинаю беспорядочно хватать с полок товары. Все это громоздится у меня в руках, зубах, зажато между коленок, под мышками, пинается перед собой ногами. А конца и краю магазина не видно. Я решаю поскорее найти корзину. Все увеличивая круги в поисках корзины, я таки нахожу ее при входе, пробежав лишних километров семь, пытаясь найти ее поближе.
Я сваливаю все честно выбранное туда, но к кассе я опять таки подхожу с зажатым в зубах отрезом ткани, утаптывая в корзине все честно выбранное, и цежу: "По карте обслуживаете?".
Это я все к чему, а к тому, что я опять сделала мега-заказ в магазине тканей для пэчворка. А пока я их выбирала на меня напал тканевый работун. Сумку вы уже видели. Теперь я осуществила вековую мечту: сшила чехол для CD.
В нем храню диски с Машкиными фотографиями. Это моя любимая серия тканек. Настолько любимая, что лежала в запасниках год, если не больше. Поскольку хороша она сама по себе. Шить из нее - только портить :)
Но я себе дала честный зарок, что до прихода новых посылок, определю в дело хоть часть ранее приобретенного.
В работе над чехлом очень помог этот МК от Оли (SOVA).
А вот и он.

Еще одна новость: я таки обзавелась приличным фотоаппаратом. Сбылась мечта ... :)
Так что теперь постараюсь делать фото побольше и покачественнее.
Может даже какой МК сделаю. А то с моей прошлой мыльницей дюже это было сложно. Приходилось много мучиться со светом.
Так что если что интересно - пишите :)

Fast Fiction Friday 5

©opyright, as ever, belongs solely to me, the author. Comments most welcome.


When I showed you the inventory, missing treasures highlighted, I first supposed you’d borrowed them, had forgotten to return them to the shelves. But your darting kohl-rimmed eyes told a different tale.

Blind rage replaced numbing shock and I thrashed you with my latest copy of Book Collector – packed as ever with valuations and Wanted ads – till it fell in tatters from my aching hands. You cowered in a corner, cloaked in your oh so silky copper hair; hair you’d wrapped around my waking cock only that morning, like a Waterhouse siren in a pornographic shampoo ad.

By the time I’d finished vomiting, you’d fled. I heard your car accelerate away, the silver sporty job you’d begged for, couldn’t live without. That Frostrup growl had me reaching for the bank cards every time.

As you sit here now – taped to a dining-chair, napkin stuffed in your lipsticked mouth – it seems incredible that when the phone rang I prayed it was you. Oh yes, part of me longed to plunge these shiny blades into your throat – see how they glitter in the candlelight? – yet another, bigger, part wanted you back.

But it wasn’t you; it was your mother: “All this fuss over a few old books," she said. "For heaven’s sake, nobody died, did they?” When she paused to suck on her cigarette, I heard you snigger in the background.

After a long, punch-drunk moment I feigned acquiescence, remorse. And you thought I’d welcomed you home with open arms. Hah!

Now, now, stop panicking; I’m cutting tape not flesh. Now I’ve got what I need to keep me warm at night, you can piss off. And stop that crying. You’re no Sinead O’Connor, but it doesn’t look half bad.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Challenge #27 - Going to the Movies...

Good Morning....Emma here ;-)
HUGE thanks to everyone who joined us last week for our Fruity challenge, very yummy cards ladies!!
Before I tell you about this weeks challenge we have the lucky winner and the top 3 to announce so here is the winner.....drum roll please whilst Mr Random does his magic!!
Here are your random numbers:3
Timestamp: 2010-07-30 06:32:43 UTC
Linda thats you hunny...woo hoo

Congratulations, please contact us using the email address in the LH sidebar and we will arrange to get your gorgeous stamp set off to you from Mandy (SU).
Here is your winner badge too...woo hoo!! ;-)

Onto the Top 3 & in no particular order....
1 - Coops

Well done ladies....please feel free to take your Top 3 badge.
Right onto this weeks challenge and sponsor.
The theme was chosen by Lols and it is....
''Going To The Movies''
You can interpret the theme however you wish, can't wait to see what you come up with.
We have our fabulous monthly sponsor Simon Says Stamp and one lucky winner has the chance to win a $10 voucher including free postage.

Here is some inspiration from the design team to get your creative juices flowing...

Emma - Octopussy

Sue,, The Birds

Mel X The Lion King

LOLS Breakfast at Tiffany's

Caroline - KISS
Moulin Rouge

Anne - Saturday Night At The Movies

Joanne - Splash

Joey - Shawshank Redemption

Please leave a direct link to your entry and not just your blog, it would be very much appreciated if you would turn word verification off.  We look forward to visiting you and seeing your entries.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Christmas in July

My card today is being entered into the Promarker challenge - Christmas in July.  The cute image I have used is one of Mo's digi images.

Awning Cards: Ice Cream and Bakery

Today's cards are "awning" cards. We make a little awning and a shelf, load up our goodies. put a sign out, and we are open for business!

There is even a sentiment to cut inside.

This file has everything you need to make TWO cards, except for the card base. Make the card bases by cutting an 8.5 x 11 piece of card stock in half at 5.5 inches, and then folding it in half.. Make the awning by alternating the pink stripes onto the white awning. FOld at 1/4 inch then 3/4 inch below that. One fold is "up" one is down.
Attach awning with glue to top of card.  On store front bottom, fold over scallops to make a "shelf", glue onto bottom of card. Add the store sign if you want. Stock your store. I added a bow just below the shelf. You could decorate your cupcakes or ice cream tops with a little crystal glitter. I used pop up dots to put the tops onto the bottoms, for a little more dimensions.

You are going to want to add this one to your card collection and it is free!

Download file

Now that i've made the files, you can churn these out(little ice cream pun) quickly.  Make other stores, like pet stores or shoes(Remember that wc fetish  btfont with all the shoes in it?) I used cooper flaired font for my store names.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Votive holder

The Stampin' Sisters in Christ challenge this week was to make a votive holder. I made one to match my card that I made for the SCS sketch challenge. This last weekend, we had a storm come through our town that knocked out our electricity. It was a good reminder to be thankful for the little things that we take for granted. We spent some time in the evening at my office so that we could fix dinner and the kids played on the computer, but when it was time to go home, my youngest son, Kaleb was a little apprehensive because he was wondering how we would see in our house to be able to get ready for bed. To go into our house I used the light from my i-pod screen. Not a very bright light under normal circumstances, but in the total darkness we were able to see our way around. There are times that I feel like that little light, not very bright or strong, but all that God asks is that I let Him shine through me and that will be sufficient.
So that light would shine through the panels, I paper pierced them. I used a piece of toilet paper that had an embossed swirl as my template. What can I say, I get my inspiration in weird places. I used my Layers of Color butterflies. Some I left whole and two I cut in half and layered on top of eachother.

DT call by Crafty Emma

Emma has a Design Team call, pop over to her blog for all the details.


I have several friends who are going through some pretty big life changes. One has a daughter leaving for college, one is quitting her full time job because she is following God's calling to stay at home and be with her two young boys, and one is getting ready for a big move from Iowa to Texas away from her folks. I'm not sure which one I will give this card to. I'm waiting on the Lord's leading. There are so many days that I wish things would just stay the same, but that never happens. This quote reminds me that I have a creator God who is in control of my life. He never changes, but the changes that cause me to go through, are for my good, and something beautiful will come from them.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Hippo Birdie 2 Moo

I drew these party animals and put scanned them into my computer and printed them then colored them. Very quick birthday cards once all the drawing work was done. I made these for Mothermark's teaparty this week.

I made this t-slider card for SCS technique lovers challenge. I like cards that have movement. They give that extra wow when the recipient gets them.

Relay for Life

Both of my sons are active in Troop 43. This last weekend, they both participated in a flag ceremony for our local Relay for Life event. My oldest son Josh is carrying the flag.

Impressionmistic background

I did the impressionistic technique on these flowers. I stamped them and sprayed them with water so that the colors ran a little. I then did ink spray smash technique on the background. Then when it was all dry I outlined the flowers and leaves with prisma colored pencils. I added glamour dust to the flowers. It was a very hard card to get a good photo of.

Baked Beetroot with Creme Fraiche and Dill

Demolished last night with cold leftover chicken and salad leaves. Salad, beetroot and dill were fresh from the garden. Yum!

Serves 4

4 medium raw beetroot
Roughly chopped dill sprigs to garnish

2 tsp coriander seeds, cracked
150ml creme fraiche
2 tsp creamed horseradish
2 tbsp chopped fresh dill

1. Preheat oven to 200C / 400F / Gas 6. Wrap each beetroot in foil and bake for 1 - 1.5 hours until they feel tender when squeezed.

2. Meanwhile make the sauce: reserve one teaspoon coriander seeds, then mix together all the remaining ingredients.

3. Remove beetroot from oven, and split each one down the centre (quarter them if they're big enough). Top with the sauce, and sprinkle with the remaining coriander seeds and dill sprigs.

Just fab! And the beetroot leaves and stems are in a food bag in the fridge, waiting to be used as a vegetable side-dish tonight.

Hitler wants Roti Canai

Yet another short hitler parody.

I was bored and I saw one Hitler reviews Ah Leng Kuey Tiao in Penang or something. So I decided to make one for roti canai.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brick Mosaic Card or Cut

I was playing around with making a brick wall effect for my card. I saw the technique over on splitcoaststampers. Of course, they cut everything by hand. Technique at Split Coast Stampers

Using the Cricut, you can cut your "bricks" and make a template to glue them onto easily.

First find a suitable image or stamp something like a vine and flowers onto some card stock.

Put it "upside down" on your cricut mat and cut. Number the squares just in case. Remove the mortar between the bricks(weed out the borders).

Then put the background piece of paper on your mat. Set the pressure to LOW so that the blade will just scrape the paper, leaving a mark but not cutting all the way through. This will give you a template to glue your bricks onto. IT will help you get the vertical and horizontal spacing and alignment correct. You could use some ink to create interest on the edges of each brick if you want.

Here is the result. I just used a piece of cardstock that had an image on it. I don't have any large stamps.This paper was on clearance at Michaels for 7/$1.00.

There are lots more examples over at splitcoaststampers.

Another example before I made the bricks closer together.


Моя новая сумка

Похвастаюсь, пока не износила :)
Правда муж сказал, что с расцветочкой я лет эдак на 20 припоздала (хам), а мне нравится.



Tower of ZOMFG

Almost finished the basic layout of my town which at the moment, looks puny in comparison to the massive forest I've created :) so with this, I decided to make a tower of some sort, and preferably a bit one mainly getting inspiration from Eetio's huge castle he's making at the moment on his map. Here is a screenshot of it, when I get round to it, and finish the interior, I'll post a screenshot of that also, but so far it's about 6-7 levels of glass and stone xP


Tower of ZOMFG

Almost finished the basic layout of my town which at the moment, looks puny in comparison to the massive forest I've created :) so with this, I decided to make a tower of some sort, and preferably a bit one mainly getting inspiration from Eetio's huge castle he's making at the moment on his map. Here is a screenshot of it, when I get round to it, and finish the interior, I'll post a screenshot of that also, but so far it's about 6-7 levels of glass and stone xP


Monday, July 26, 2010

Maple Bleach [Opening 12] by Evo

My friend Evo's EPIC WIN video.

This is a Maple Story version of Bleach's 12th Opening with the song Change by Miwa. Evo's video is one of the best so far! A must watch!! EPIC WIN!


Handcrafted business card wallets

I listed the above, my first 2-pocket business card wallet, on Folksy this afternoon. It's so pretty, I can hardly bear to part with it!

The main fabric is Makower's Stash (called that for obvious reasons!) and I've lined the wallet in a white-and-navy cotton twill. I've fully interfaced for structure and durabilty, and there's a ribbon loop and button fastening. Would be perfect, I think, for fabric sellers and crafters alike, or anyone who likes pretty things.

You can find more details in my Folksy shop, BaggieAggietoo.

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