

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dressing the Part of an Author

Welcome to my new and improved blog/website. Take a look around, wander the place. I think there's lemonade being served out on the "Reviews" tab.

For those of you who have visited my actual website in the last year, you might have noticed that it hasn’t changed. There are a lot of reasons for this, the primary one being that I was not personally administrating that site. It was never much of a problem when no one seemed to care who I was, or what my books were doing, but all that has changed. Turns out people looking for Percepliquis are visiting the website to discover that Wintertide will be out soon…or something crazy like that.  Apparently, only three of my books are even on sale there.

Realizing that I could combine the functionality of that website on this blog, I went to work. As you can tell, I’m not done, but it is coming along. As you can see the tabs will allow you to check top news events, instead of digging through the blogs. There is a new bio that was previously only available on my Amazon page. On the map page, I included a black and white version of the map for those of you with ebooks who don’t like the tiny versions and would like to print it. There’s also a nifty new picture of me taken just last week while I was in New York, but most importantly, I should be able to keep the site current, and that’s what really matters.

The old website will be discontinued as soon as I can figure out how to redirect the url.

You might notice that there is a lack of Riyria related imagery on this new site. That’s because I have a number of new books in the works and I need a site to cover all my writing. Therefore it is appropriate to keep it more generic.

What new books you ask? For what is coming next…well, you’ll need to stay tuned.

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