

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I'm building a website...!

Yes, you read that right! In fact, I'll repeat it for all those in denial: severely technically-challenged little old me is building a website. The platform is Weebly, and I have to say it's a darn sight easier to use than Wix (which I gave up on after a couple of hair-tearing days!).

Having said that, I did have a hair-tearing morning yesterday. I bought a domain name (after reading somewhere that Weebly addresses don't float to anywhere near the top in searches) so that I could change my URL and lose the 'weebly' bit. Weebly have brilliant instructions on how to 'point' the new domain at their site, but their sample screenshots bore little relation to my domain registrar's. So, rather than run the risk of destroying the entire internet with my ineptitude, I begged the registrar to do the pointing for me. Which they did, thank goodness, so I'm now There's lots to do and change still, but I'm getting there!

In the meantime, I've struggled to get any new items made, but yesterday afternoon I managed to get this Kindle case with an African flavour listed in my Folksy shop. I love this fabric. If you do too, and you fancy something other than a Kindle case, just ask. :)

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