

Monday, January 31, 2011

Gift Tag



Trish's Cards January 2011 195

I recycled a clothing tag from a pair of jeans to make this gift tag. I try to be thrifty when I can.

Stamp: Happy Birthday-Amazing Creations

Day 1 -The Beginnings!

Well, on day one, not that much exiting things happend. I cut down logs, I spawed in a swamp, swam to the forest, found iron, coal, and stone. Right now, I'm collecting logs to make a tower.                            

Late News From the World of Notch : Notch has left the Building

I’m leaving on a two week vacation tonight, to celebrate my mother turning 60. While I will be bringing a laptop and there will be internet, I will try to not think about work as much as possible while I’m gone.

To keep up with Minecraft development, you can check out our page on Facebook, or follow the following people on twitter:

Carl Manneh (ceo!)
Daniel Kaplan (bizdev!)
Jakob Porser (code!)
Jens Bergensten (code!)
Junkboy (art!)
Markus Persson (code!)
Tobias Mollstam (code!)

When I get back, I’ll finish up the new launcher, then my goal is to get some early sketch of the Modding API out before GDC.

Whoa. I almost forgot

I am a horrible procrastinator once again. I had plans for this blog and I'm not doing them! Dear readers, I am sorry I have temporarily failed you. I had stopped playing Minecraft for a bit to focus on some real life drama and school. Don't fear though. I'm back!

It appears the farmlands will have a halt in development as Amy and I were both inspired to do something different. We both will be making cities, only separately this time. Our little server is about to turn into a huge country!

I've been in a very big Pokemon mood lately. So I decided, why not, let's make a city modeled off a real Pokemon city. Celadon's got a nice mall structure so I've decided to make it based off that.

This will be a pretty big project for me to take on, so I imagine it'll take some time. Readers, I hope I do not disappoint you if it takes long.

I still plan on doing Mod reviews, but SMP is just so much more fun than SSP. It's hard for me to want to go back!

I will say this though. One of my servers uses Bukkit, so I might do reviews on plugins there. Bukkit is basically a server client that allows you to handle server side mods! It's pretty neat-o. I can't tell you how much of a godsend /set home is!

My other server, the one I will be building Celadon City in, is using RuneCraft which is pretty nifty as well. I'm a sucker for the teleporters. I like easy travel!

I guess that's a semi-review for now. Expect more later!

The Lord is my provider

This is for the Technique Lover's Challenge to heat emboss on top of dry embossing. I heat embossed gold over the dry embossed border on the panel behind the dragonfly. It didn't turn out exactly how it was supposed to, but I like how it looks. I used Mark's Finest Papers NATURE'S POSTAGE and IN THE FOREST. I colored the image with prisma colored pencils and added glamour dust.
The Stampin' Sisters in Christ challenge was to make a blue and green card to remind us of the 23 Psalm. As our shepherd and provider he finds us lovely green grass and blue water to rest by.

Psalm 23
1The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

(I posted the King James version because that is what I memorized as a child, and it brings me comfort to read it in this version.)

I made this for a friend of mine from church who has been suffering from seizures. The only way the doctors can control the seizures is to heavily medicate her, which only gives her a couple of hours a day that she is even awake. I just wanted to send her a card to encourage her.

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The essence of Minecraft in one video

This just sums up everything about the game - damn creepers!

Кроссворд "Повторение"

Задание. Ответить на вопросы кроссворда.
Кроссворд рисуем в тетради.
Кроссворд тут

Fantastic mob-proof sandstone castle

Tired of using cobblestone for your castles? Check this beauty out:

Sandstone castle in Minecraft

День рождения в январе.

Насте и Оле посвящается.
Надо кликнуть по открытке и прослушать песенку.

В День рождения поздравления от нас - это раз.
Шлем мы добрые слова - это два.
Быть все время впереди - это три.
Жить со всеми в дружбе, в мире - это, кажется, четыре.
Никогда не унывать - это пять.
Приумножить все что есть - это шесть.
Быть внимательным ко всем - это семь.
Быть всегда в нормальном весе - это восемь, девять, десять.
Ну, а к этому в придачу -
Счастья, радости, удачи!

Музыкальная открытка с днем рождения с кодом. песня мышонка - Какой чудесный день

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Making a Town!

Yes, that is what I will be doing this week. I am doing the unthinkable, making an entire town by myself. Why? I don't know. I need something to do, I guess! I'm pretty excited about it and have a lot of plans for it. So far I've found the perfect area for it and am clearing the land. I also built a huge fence around the entire thing to keep out the unwanted. Can't wait to finish some things and upload some pics for everyone to see!! By the way, if anyone wants a really cool texture pack, download this one. It's the one Lewis from the Yogscast videos uses!

If you don't know who Lewis is or haven't seen the Yogscast videos on Youtube, I highly suggest looking them up. They are absolutely hilarious and definitely sold me on buying this game. Almost daytime, so talk to you all soon!

Circle of Friends

Trish's Cards January 2011 178


I made a small gift card using my new circle of friends stamp.

Anita’s Cards

Trish's Cards January 2011 231

Here a a couple of cards my daughter made with our wonderful friend Vicki. Together they had a great time and whipped these up one afternoon.

Final Render

So I'm calling this done, I'm sure there is a lot I could do but I don't have much more time and this took almost 3 hours to render...

Карантин продолжается. Но! У нас уже есть первые комиксы!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Shading and lighting final

Ok so I'm working on this...will probably end up "settling" with specific light setups for this but here is an in progress render...


Here I have used my fairy stamp again. I coloured her in using my Whispers Strokes Markers from Sugar loaf Products. I have a set of 36 markers and originally purchased from Kmart about three years ago. I used a little glitter to give it a lift.

Trish's Cards January 2011 121

Flashback (1)

Ok here's what happend on my earlier files. I found a dunguon by spawn, so I got buckets. Then made a infinite water spring, then went on the mountain. Next, I FLOODED THE COUNTRYSIDE! So in simple, I had a huge waterfall flooding everything.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Update : Farms and tricks.

Underground Farm

My underground farm, Dug out inside a mountain.

Water is underneath half-steps.
Reed farm.

My reed farm directly below my wheat farm. (I'm on a ladder)
View Two

View #2
View Three

View #3

Tip of the day. 

Tip of the day;

Add levers to the bottoms of your furnace. Have them pointing up so you'll know it's empty and down so you know that something has been cooked in it.

Update : Farms and tricks.

Underground Farm

My underground farm, Dug out inside a mountain.

Water is underneath half-steps.
Reed farm.

My reed farm directly below my wheat farm. (I'm on a ladder)
View Two

View #2
View Three

View #3

Tip of the day. 

Tip of the day;

Add levers to the bottoms of your furnace. Have them pointing up so you'll know it's empty and down so you know that something has been cooked in it.

Update : Farms and tricks.

Underground Farm

My underground farm, Dug out inside a mountain.

Water is underneath half-steps.
Reed farm.

My reed farm directly below my wheat farm. (I'm on a ladder)
View Two

View #2
View Three

View #3

Tip of the day. 

Tip of the day;

Add levers to the bottoms of your furnace. Have them pointing up so you'll know it's empty and down so you know that something has been cooked in it.


Proud Mama moment... I wanted to share with you a painting done by my teenage daughter Kristina. She has entered it into an art competion. The theme for this competition is: WORDS.

Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today....

The Friday free for all challenge was to use warm and fuzzy on our card. The warm on my card is the colors orange and yellow and also the hymn... Sunlight by Judson W. Vand De Venter. The fuzzy was the orange fibers that came in a big box, of blog candy, from my friend Grace. This hymn was a favorite of my youngest sister when she was really little. I would sing it to her at nap time and bedtime.
I wandered in the shades of night 'till Jesus came to me, and with the sunlight of His love bid all my darkness flee.
Though clouds may gather in the sky, and billows 'round me roll, however dark the world may be I've sunlight in my soul.
I cross thew ide extednded fields, I journey o'er the plain, and in the sunlight of His love, I reap the golden grain.
Soon I shall see Him as He is, The Light that came to me; behold the brightness of His face, throughout eternity.
Sunlight, sunlight, in my soul today, sunlight, sunlight all along the way; since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within.
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Районный конкурс проектов

27 января состоялся районный конкурс проектов и исследовательских работ младших школьников. Наша работа "Литературное путешествие на "Голубой стреле" победила в номинации "Лучший коллективный проект"! Проект защищали Войтенко Сергей, Просветов Дима и Бикейкин Ваня. Поздравляем, ребята! ТАК ДЕРЖАТЬ!
 Подробнее с результатами можно познакомиться здесь

Update 5 Cornell Box Pong: looking for help

For the past couple of days, I've been scratching my head over how to modify the tokaspt source code (gl_scene_cc to be more specific) in order to cram in some 2D gameplay physics (circle/circle collision detection) and direct user interaction with the paddles. Unfortunately without much success. I've come to the disheartening conclusion that I know too little about C++ to be able to write useful working code for the game (I know how to program very basic routine-like stuff with loops, hoping that would suffice, but alas). If anyone is interested to help out with this project, I would be eternally grateful! You can contact me at the address on this page

UPDATE: for the game physics of Cornell Box Pong, I've decided to use Box2D, an excellent easy-to-learn and open source 2D physics engine used by many iPhone games, which uses an advanced continuous collision detection model. You can also specify parameters such as gravity, friction, physics simulation rate and accuracy of the physics.

If I'm done with this project, I plan to integrate Bullet, the open source 3D physics engine, into tokaspt so real-time path traced physics driven animations like in this awesome video will be possible in real-time.

Сервис для создания комиксов

Ребята, хоть у вас и карантин, нечего лениться.
Продолжаем нашу работу.
Сервис для создания комиксов здесь
Комикс на тему "Вредные привычки: курение".
Пошаговая инструкция прилагается. Высылаем по инструкции на тот же адрес. Жду с нетерпением. Все рисунки будут представлены на районном конкурсе и в "Неделе естественных наук"

New videos of the Brigade real-time path tracer!

Development on the Brigade path tracer by Jacco Bikker and Dietger van Antwerpen is going strong and has made great progress as proven by these videos running on a system with dual hexacore Intel CPU (12 cores total) and 2 GTX 470 GPUs. All of the scenes are real-time pathtraced with multiple bounces at 10-12 fps.

Minecraft level with HDR skydome lighting (this time with global illumination) (24 spp):

simple scene with HDR skydome lighting and refraction (24 spp):

Buddha and Dragon scene, multi-bounce lighting (8spp):

Escher scene, lots of areas with indirect lighting (8 spp):

Same Escher scene but with significantly reduced noise (8 spp):

Especially the last video quite convincingly shows that real-time path tracing for games (at moderate framerates and resolution) is almost ready for prime time!

Challenge #51 One for the Kiddies

Hi Everyone :O) Welcome to a Fab New Challenge! Thankyou for joining us last week!!!
Before I tell you about this weeks challenge we have the lucky winner and the top 3 to announce so, here is the winner,.....drum roll please!
The winner is...

Congratulations please email us (addy is on the side bar ) so we can arrange to get your prize out to you - and don't forget to take your winner's banner.

We always have a hard time choosing our Top 3, but here they are, in no particular order.

1. Alicia
2. Lori
3. Kathrin

Congratulations ladies, please take your Top 3 badge.

Nearly time for the New Challenge just before I do I would like to introduce you to our newest DT Member Vicky so stop by and give her lots of love! Welcome Hun
So this week its my turn (Joey) to set the theme and I chose

"One for the Kiddies" nice and easy :O)

Our sponsors this week are Simon Says Stamp who offer the prize in the photograph

and Digi Stamp Boutique who offer some super cute designs!

Digi Stamp Boutique offers a range of quirky and digital stamps for all your card making projects. There is something for every occassion and new images are added regularly so there is always something new.

Here is a little Inspiration from our fab DT


Please leave your Link below and we will stop by to see your creations, if you would like comments from the DT PLEASE PLEASE TURN OFF word verification, Many Thanks

The TPC DT x x x

One for the Kiddies

1. Lai-Yoke  33. Jolara  65. Lizzy  
2. LISA V  34. stempelomi  66. Michele  
3. Linda H  35. Kathrin aka Kruemel  67. Bella  
4. Beth aka BR-T  36. Sammibug  68. Anita M  
5. Susan's Crafty Chaos  37. Lisa s  69. Deonna B  
6. Mari Harpham  38. Maggie  70. Dragonllew  
7. clairebears  39. Hazel (didos)  71. Jan G  
8. Dora  40. Shelley  72. Jan G  
9. Fiona Lawlor  41. Meli  73. Fr@nz  
10. Christine  42. scrapjoanny  74. Audrey E.  
11. Uma  43. Heidi-Mari  75. Heather D  
12. Alison~ Tillymint  44. Sammibug  76. Mari Harpham  
13. Sharon S  45. Ceal  77. Handcrafted by Michelle  
14. Ruby  46. Christine Craig  78. Nicki (LittleTed)  
15. NikkiByrne  47. Daniele  79. Leanne  
16. Tilly Trotter  48. Katja  80. Crafty Chris  
17. NY Debbie  49. Katja  81. Farrah  
18. Lynne in NI  50. Henny  82. Jacqui  
19. darling Ho  51. Brook  83. Tiggertastic  
20. Natascha  52. Crafty Teacher  84. Darlene P.  
21. Aussieleigh  53. Barbara  85. Linda Peo.  
22. ***Céline***  54. JULES  86. Dee  
23. kozmik  55. Bernadet  87. Sharon  
24. Wicked Witch  56. Scrappymax  88. ForgottenScraps  
25. heidi  57. Ingrid  89. paulaholifieldcrafts  
26. Jeanette  58. pinky  90. LISA V  
27. Jenny B  59. Lisa Jane  91. Zulma  
28. meg  60. Anneke  92. Jacki R  
29. Helen  61. Pami  93. ♥Jacilynn Dashwood♥  
30. Francesca  62. Mary J  94. Magi  
31. Jayne  63. Colette S  
32. Nikki C  64. Suzanne  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Apple Products & Vouchers Contest! (Campaign)

It's been quite a while since I've posted any campaigns, so here's one.

Applied Region: Malaysia Only
Campaign Type: Contest

Maybank is having a contest that lets you win Apple products! Stand a chance to win vouchers for all Apple products, iPads, iPods and more. All you need to do is to recruit as many friends in Facebook. This earns you points, and the highest score wins.

They give out prizes on a weekly and monthly basis. Weekly winners stand a chance to win iPod Shuffles while monthly winners stand a chance to win iPads. Winning weekly and monthly prizes are quite good too, so give it a try!

Support This Campaign!

Bird Punch Art



Trish's Cards January 2011 176


A freebie from a punch art lady at the Brisbane Craft show, I don't remember her name or what stand she was on, other than she was totally inspirational!

I Trace the Rainbow through the rain...

Close up of butterfly.

The ways to use it challenge today at SCS was to make a card with a rainbow. The StampinB's challenge was to make a card inspired by a song. This is the result of both of those challenges. I made my rainbow by taking acetate and scribbling markers side by side. I then took a coffee filter and sprayed it with water. I then carefully laid the filter on top of the acetate. The markers slowly mixed giving me this great rainbow. When it was dried I printed this hymn onto it. I picked this hymn because of the line "I trace the rainbow through the rain".

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go (George Mattheson pub 1882.)

O LOVE that will not let me go, I rest my weary sould in thee; I give thee back the life I owe, that in thine ocean depths its flow may richer fuller be.

O LIGHT that followest all my way I yield my flickering torch to thee; my heart restores its borrowed ray, that in thy sunshine's blaze its day may brighter, fairer be.

O JOY that seekest me through pain, I cannot clos my heart to thee. I TRACE THE RAINBOW THROUGH THE RAIN, and feel the promise is not vain, that morn shall tearless be.

O CROSS that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to fly from thee. I lay in dust life's glory dead, and from the ground ther blossoms red Life that shall endless be.

George Mattheson the author was engaged to be married and at the age of 20 started going blind. His fiance left him because she didn't want to spend her life with a blind man. After he was completely blind his sister took care of him. He wrote this song in 5 mins the night before his sister was to get married. This hymn was based on the following scripture:

But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
Psalm 13:5

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